Research and Publication
Historical Development
The academic quality of a higher education institution could not be separated from the successful of the three roles of higher education (otherwise it called as Tri Dharma of Higher Education), which are teaching, research and community service. Universities are required to continuously develop three advantages, namely excellence in teaching, research and dedication to community service. Organizing research activities becomes an obligation of each higher education institution as stated in Article 20 of Law No 20 of 2003 on National Education System, which explicitly states that higher education institutions are obliged to conduct research. To be able to conduct such research obligations, higher education institutions are required to have competent lecturers in making research proposals, conduct research, disseminate research results and ultimately produce result in various forms of intellectual property. It is a commitment of BINUS University to organize research activity and it is reflected explicitly in one of the purposes of the UBINUS Statute.
Research and scientific publications conducted by BINUS University faculty members are originally organized by Research and Technology Transfer Office, which main tasks are to aid faculty members in creation of research proposal and its implementation, both with external fund and internal fund. The main focus of the Research and Technology Transfer are to develop and facilitate research activities and research related activities such as dissemination of research through journal publishing and intellectual property.
Research conducted by BINUS University as an embodiment of one of three roles of Higher Education with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of teaching and learning process as well as contributing to the body of knowledge and producing the products of intellectual property which is funded from both internal and external research grants. BINUS University Competitive Research Grants is an internal research grant given every year with a maximum research period of one year. RTTO also aid researchers who wish to participate in research activities funded by external parties such as DIKTI and other external parties.
To attract research activities to the national and international level (high impact research), Research and Technology Transfer has established several Research Interest Groups (RIG), and will continue to increase the number from year to year. Some of the already established RIGs are :
- Bee Embedded Research Group (BERG)
No. | Area |
1 | Internet of Things (IoT) |
2 | Embedded Linux Application |
3 | Surveillance Unmanned Vehicle |
4 | Motor or Automobile Tracker using GPS and IoT |
5 | Weather data collection and prediction |
6 | Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and NFC (Near Field Communications) Applications |
- Photonics and Computer Systems
No. | Area |
1 | Photonics |
2 | Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy |
3 | Control System |
4 | Laser Applications |
- Performance Excellence Management
No. | Area |
1 | Busines Process Management with BPI and BPR of Business, Goverment and Public Service for Performance Excellence. |
2 | Integrated Model of Food Security System. |
3 | Guidance on Integrated Coastal management and Capacity Buildingbon Climate Change Adaptation in Urban and Tourism Area. |
4 | New Design of Transportation facilities and procedures based on Human Factor and Ergonomic Principles |
5 | Lesson Learnt on the logistic and Supply Chain management in Indonesia. |
6 | Framework of SCM for Specific Industry. |
- Enterprise Resources Planning
No. | Area |
1 | Enterprise Resource Planning for SME |
2 | Information System Development |
3 | Implementation & Evaluation Information System |
- Intelligent System
No. | Area |
- Data analysis on WiFi Traffic.
- Semistrutured Mining in Biomolecular Data.
- Dissaster Recovery Blue Print
- Intelligent Encyclopedia
- Database System Developement: Learning from SQL v/s Bongo
- Psyco-Informatics
- Food BioTechnology
No. | Area |
1 | Cellular and mutation biology of plant in vitro culture |
2 | Molecular genetic detection and selection |
3 | Toxicity, antioxidant, and anticancer activity assay |
4 | Formulation of functional foods from phytopharmaceuticals |
- Educational Technology
1. | ![]() |
2. | An analysis of the strategic environment and the areas which the impact can worsen the condition of education including the issue of corruption, the national management system, and etc. |
- Internet of Things
No. | Area |
1 | IoT for Smart Cities, Smart Mall, Smart Traffic, Smart Environment, Smart Water, Smart Metering, Smart Agriculture, Smart Animal Farming |
2 | IoT for Security and Emergencies |
3 | IoT for Retail & Logistics |
4 | IoT for Industrial Control |
5 | IoT for Home Automation |
6 | IoT for E-Health |
7 | IoT for Banking Industry |
Bioinformatics & Data Science Research Center
In addition to Research Interest Group, BINUS University also created another Research Center, namely Bioinformatics & Data Science Research Center which the research area and research project as follows:
No. | Area |
1. Bioinformatics | the application of information technology (IT) to the field of biological sciences |
the development and advancement of databases, computational and statistical methods, algorithms, and theory to solve practical problems arising from the management and analysis of biological sciences data2. Data Sciencethe application of information technology (IT) is for extracting meaning from data and creating data products
applicability of computer algorithms is to uncover patterns from data and develop usable predictive models
RTTO coordinate, produce, and distribute of journal articles (from receiving articles either the results of a research non ? research studies, having process of selection or assessment of the article, setting articles, until the process of printing the journal). The lists of managed journals are:
- The Winners contains scientific articles from the fields of business economics, management and information systems
- LinguaCultura contains scientific articles from the fields of English. Japanese and Chinese language teaching & linguistic culture, literature
- CommIT contains scientific articles from the field of science of communication and information engineering.
- Comtech contains scientific articles from the fields of science and technology including computer science.
- Humaniora contains scientific articles in the field of linguistic and culture, psychology, communications and interior and visual communication design
- Binus Business Review contains scientific articles in the fields of management, accounting and hospitality management and its application.
The numbers of scientific publications by lecturer, both in accredited scientific journals, international scientific journals indexed in Scopus, and scientific conference papers, are moving up to reach the target of university, as strategies to World Class University. Currently, there are many scientific publications lecturers that conducted through the proceedings, while published in the journal of the National Accreditation and International journals indexed Scopus are the target of performance indicator in BINUS University.
Our Team
Vice Rector – Research and Technology Transfer
Prof. Dr. Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, S.Sos., MM., Ph.D
Research Centers
Artificial Intelligence Research & Development Center
Head: Dr. Bens Pardamean
Bioinformatics & Data Science Research Center
Head: Dr. Bens Pardamean
Research Interest Groups
Bee – Embedded
Head: Dr. Suryadiputera Liawatimena, SMIEE
Cultural and Tourism
Head: Dr. Vitria Ariani, A.Par., M.Sc.
Cross Cultural Communication
Head: Dr. Dra. Ulani Yunus, MM.
Bussiness Risk Management
Head: Dr. Dewi Fitriasari, CSRA, CMA.
Education Technology
Head: Prof. Dr. Sasmoko, M.Pd.
Food Biotechnology
Head: Dr. Nesti F. Sianipar, S.P., M.Si
Performance Excellence
Head: Bachtiar H. Simamora M.Sc., Ph.D
Intelligent and Advance System
Head: Dr. Ford Lumban Gaol
Photonics and Computer Simulation
Head: Dr. Rinda Hedwig
Business and Social Empowerment Center
Head: Dr. Pantri Heriyati, S.E., M.Comm
Publication Specialist
Dra. Endang Ernawati, M.Lib
Research & Development Manager
Noerlina, S.Kom., MM
Research Grant Section Head
Desi Maya Kristin, S.Kom., MMSI
External Grant Staff / Ridhwan Bugiansyah Rasyid
Internal Grant Staff / Iga DInaris Masitoh
Research Technical Staff / Gia Pramoda Hanindya
Research Capacity Building Section Head
Erma Lusia, S.Pd., M.Par
Student Research Staff – Risma Nurdyani Wahyudi
Scientific Research Publication Section Head
Aninda Rahmasari, S.Sos., M.Litt
Translator / Gendis Lintang Kinasih
Translator / Winda Rosa Pratiwi
Publication Technical Staff / Karlina Situmorang
Publication Technical Staff / Ratna Kartikasari
Data Analytics & Public Engagement Section Head
Brilly Andro, S.Kom., MTI
Public Engagement Officer / Haryo Sutanto
Technology Transfer & Commercialization Manager
Dr.Eng. Nico Surantha, ST, MT
Academic Publishing Section Head
Dr. Arta Moro Sundjaja
Desktop Publisher / Atmawati
Publication Editor / Dina Nurfitria
Publication Editor / Eka Yanti Pangputri
Senior Desktop Publisher / Holil
Publication Editor / Shavira Sarashita
Research Product Commercialization Section Head
Miranda Tanjung, Ph.D
Book Publishing Staff / Desri Fatimah Natalia Tambunan
Research Partnership Section Head
Ria Damayanti, S.Sos
For Research Interest Group and Research Center, please visit this link for more details. If you have any inquiry, don’t hesitate to contact us here:
Research & Technology Transfer Office
BINUS University ? Kampus Anggrek Lt. 7 ? Ruang 700
Jl. Kebun Jeruk Raya No. 27, Palmerah Jakarta Barat 11530
Telp. (021) 5345830, 5350660 Ext.1708 Fax. (021) 5300244
- Research & Technology Transfer Office
- RIG Photonics and Computer Simulation
- RIG Intelligent and Advance System
- RIG Performance Excellence
- RIG Food Biotechnology
- Bioinformatics & Data Science Research Center
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