Kijang Campus Services

Research & Community Service Center (RCSC)
The Research & Community Service Center (RCSC) facilitates research with community service activities for all academic members of BINUS UNIVERSITY.
BINUS UNIVERSITY aims to increase the quality and quantity of research as one major pillar of university life. Researches are funded either internally or externally. A one-year research grant is offered each year by the university in line with the university budget. RCSC also supports researchers seeking to participate in externally funded research projects from DIKTI, Menristek, Kopertis, Depdiknas, Bogasari, and others.
RCSC coordinates the publishing of research and non-research journals Currently, it manages the following publications: Mastat Journal in the fields of mathematics, statistics, and their applications; The Winners Journal in the fields of economics, business, management, and information system; Teknik Komputer Journal in the field of computer technique; Piranti Warta* in the fields of management and information technology; Business Strategy Journal in the field of strategic business science; Inasea Journal in field of technique and industry system.
The Faculty of Language and Culture is in the process of putting together Lingua Cultura Journal which will cover language, culture, and literature studies, and the teaching of English, Japanese, and Chinese. The Faculty of Computer Science, on the other hand, is creating CommIT Journal in the field of communication and information technology science. RCSC also will publish an anthology of articles from many science to help lecturer for
*Accredited B
Community Service
The goal of this unit is to increase the quality of community service delivered by BINUS UNIVERSITY to help elevate the quality of life in its adopted communities. The unit works with the university faculties and other external units such as FORMAPEL (Forum Masyarakat Peduli Lingkungan) and Private University Community Service Consortium.

Self-Access Language Learning Center (SALLC)
The Self-Access Language Learning Center (SALLC) is a language learning center designed to provide learners with the opportunity to develop a foreign language proficiency. In a larger context, it promotes learners to be self-aware and confident in their own foreign language learning, since they are at liberty to decide what and how to learn.
SALLC is located on the Anggrek and Kijang campuses. On the Kijang campus, learners are provided with books, foreign magazines and newspapers, dictionaries, and various kinds of scientific journals. All of the materials cover three different foreign languages: English, Japanese, and Chinese. Besides printed materials, learners can study through multimedia such as TV, DVDs, cassettes, and the Internet.
SALLC on Anggrek campus provides learners with a state-of-the-art foreign language learning laboratory. It is equipped with 40 computers with sophisticated language-learning software that has a voice recognition technology to train learners in improving their foreign language pronunciation skills. This technology also equips students with other basic language-learning skills such as reading, listening, grammar, and vocabulary.
Learning at SALLC is a lot of fun. The facility is equipped with user-friendly learning tools such as games and animations. In addition, the learning materials are carefully prepared by language experts to cater to learner needs. SALLC also provides all BINUSIANs with services such as one-on-one or group tutoring and language consultation.
Lastly, learning a foreign language at SALLC BINUS UNIVERSITY not only equips learners with a foreign language, but more importantly, it encourages all BINUSIANs to be more confident in their foreign language ability.
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