JWC Campus Services

English Language Services (ELS)
English Language Services (ELS) is responsible for innovating, designing and maintaining programs, as well as promoting, supporting and resolving communication issues relating to the use of the English language at BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL and BINUS INTERNATIONAL. This includes Academic English and Pre-sessional English courses, a Language Clinic and Self-Access Centre for students, pursuing contacts and developing programs and events with English-language based entities in Indonesia and abroad, consultation and training for faculty and staff, and coordination with our partner universities overseas.
ELS is pursuing a vision of making JWC a campus of international communication par excellence, providing for students through continual exposure to international academia, professional and general English and culture, not only from faculty, staff, visitors and resources but also amongst students themselves. Students are further encouraged, in order to continually improve and update their English language abilities, to make the most of facilities such as extremely effective one-to-one consultation sessions with native-speaker English faculty in the daily English Language Clinic, and the English language Self Access Center in the library and online containing the latest, most relevant materials. Students will therefore be well prepared to communicate, and feel at home communicating in, English in an international environment, thus smoothing the transition to studies overseas, and giving students a commanding edge.

The R&D Division conducted BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL Research Forum thrice in 2009. The forums gave faculty members the opportunity to present accomplished applied / science research papers or ongoing papers for national or international conferences.
The active research culture on campus has made these forums lively and interesting.
April 30, 2009
Presenter 1: Ir. Tri Asih Budiono, MIT, faculty member of School of Computer Science.
His paper “ Visual Authoring Tool for Creating Visual Novel Games” was presented in the Computer Games Multimedia & Allied Technology 09 on 11 – 12 May 2009 in Singapore.
Presenter 2: Tito Imanda, BA, MA, Program Coordinator Film, School of Art & Design.
His paper “Islamic Cinema in Indonesia: Ideology using market or vice versa” was presented in the 2008 Annual Southeast Asian Cinemas Conference, Ateneo De Manila University on 18-23 November 2008.
Presenter 3: Vina Vionita, SE, Bachelor of Commerce in Applied Accounting Technology, an alumna of BINUS INTERNATIONAL . Her paper with Dezie L. Warganegara, Ph.D. “ Conditional Conservatism: Evidence from Indonesia ” was presented in the 1st Annual Conference World Accounting Frontiers Series (WAFS), 15 – 18 July 2009, University of Macau .
July 30, 2009
Presenter 1: Poppy Sudhanta, Legal Manager.
Her topic “Copyright” included any original work of the creator in the field of Science, Art and Literature.
Presenter 2: Andy Lunarjanto, MM, MBA, faculty member of the School of Marketing.
His paper “ The Impact of Website Design and Customer Demographic Profiles on On-line Purchase Intention” was presented in the 1st Indonesian Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2009, ITB Campus, Grand Hotel Preanger, Bandung.
Presenter 3: Ir. Yanthi Hutagaol, M.Acc., Ph.D, Head of Research, Research & Development Department.
Her paper “The Determinants of Management Forecasts Error and the IPO Underpricing: A case study of indonesian IPO”was presented in 11th International Business Research Conference, Marriott Hotel Sydney Australia, 1-4 December 2009.
Presenter 4: Ir. Tri Asih Budiono, MIT, faculty member of School of Computer Science
His paper “A Scalable Architecture For Mobile Project Management Information System ” was presented in the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Systems (ICTS) 2009, ITS – Surabaya, 4 August 2009.
November 12, 2009
Presenter 1: Dr. Pantri Heriyati, SE., M.Comm, Head of Program – Graduate, School of Management.
Her paper “ Offensive and Defensive Competitive Marketing Strategy: The Development of Construct & Measurements” was presented in the 3 rd Asia Pacific Marketing Conference, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kuching-Sarawak, 9-11 December 2009.
Presenter 2: Raymond Kosala, Ph.D, Head of School – Computer Science.
His paper “ Color Quick Response Code for Mobile Content Distribution”was presented in the 7th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2009), 14-16 December 2009, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Presenter 3: Tito Imanda , BA, MA, Program Coordinator Film, School of Art & Design.
His paper “ Hollywood and the Political Economy of Indonesia Cinema ” is for submission to an international conference in 2010.
Joint-research with overseas university
In 2009, Diah Wihardini, Head of the Development Department, collaborated with Dr Kelvin Gregory from the School of Education at Flinders University in South Australia, in writing a paper for the 35 th Annual Conference of the International Association of Educational Assessment in Brisbane, Australia. The joint paper discussed the findings of significant Item model misfits occurring with Indonesian students with atypical response patterns using Item Response Theory, especially for the low-scored students. Data used were obtained from the students’ mathematics performance in an international assessment called Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS) in 2003.
BBS & Allianz: Insurance Agency Model
Upon first establishing in Indonesia, Allianz Life Indonesia used the Branch System in their business model. But over time, Allianz started changing their business model into the Business Agency Model. To determine the effectiveness of this new business model, the R & D Division of BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL assisted Allianz to conduct research in four cities: Jakarta, Medan, Samarinda, and Bali, in January – August 2009. The research used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research in equal proportion.
There were three objectives of this research. First was to identify the expectations and satisfactions of the Insurance Agents. Second was to identify barriers faced by the Insurance Agents in running their business. Third was to know the expectations and satisfactions of customers in regard to the services of the Insurance Agents or Allianz. The research provided a lot of input to the management of Allianz in order to help them make their business model more effective. In addition, there was a lot of input to help improve the satisfaction and loyalty of customers and agents. The management of Allianz was very satisfied with the results of this research and felt confident that the results would increase the productivity and the profitability of the company.
BBS & Astra: Strategic Studies
In 2009, BBS researchers (Firdaus Alamsjah, Ph.D, Dezie L. Warganegara, Ph.D, Dr. Boto Simatupang, and Aryantono Martowidjojo, Ph.D) conducted a research project on the Astra group. The research was titled “Astra Strategic Study on Innovation”. The research aimed to assess the innovation level of affiliated companies in the Astra group. The results of the research have been well-accepted by the Board of Directors of Astra International, the holding company. Firdaus Alamsjah, Ph.D presented the results at Astra Innovation Award 2009, an event attended by hundreds of Astra group employees. For Astra group, this research helps them to evaluate their learning processes for future performance. For BBS, the project increases the research profile of BBS researchers. Furthermore, this research has led to another research project for the Astra group in 2010.
BBS & Recapital: Good Corporate Governance
BINUS – Recapital GCG Centre is a research centre with a dual mission – to develop good corporate governance (GCG) and to socialize GCG to the community. Along with research in GCG, the Binus – Recapital GCG Centre also provides training, education and social activities to promote the understanding and implementation of GCG in Indonesia. In December 2008, the GCG Centre released a survey on the GCG awareness of HIPMI Jaya members. The survey concluded that the level of GCG awareness among Indonesian young entrepreneurs was relatively low. This finding was followed up by other GCG Centre activities, or outputs, in 2009.
The following are GCG Centre 2009 outputs:
- Train the Trainers on “Good Corporate Governance Awareness for Small and Medium Enterprises”. This training was delivered to GCG facilitators appointed by Recapital and BINUS Business School to conduct the same training to SMEs throughout Indonesia. The training was conducted in June 2009.
- Presentation to members of Kamar Dagang Indonesia (KADIN) to socialize GCG Centre’s training material on GCG awareness for SMEs. Inputs were received from Kadin members to improve the training materials. This activity was conducted in August 2009.
- Several GCG Centre internal meetings were conducted to discuss the creation of a GCG Award within the Recapital group. A GCG Award is to be provided in recognition of the best GCG implementation within the Recapital group.
Head of GCG Centre | : | Dr. Ridwan J. Zachrie |
Deputy Head of GCG Centre | : | Dr. Stephanus Remond Waworuntu, MBA |
Case Study
BINUS Case Center was able to produce 22 case studies in 2007 and 22 case studies in 2008.
In 2009, the BINUS Case Center was able to produce 25 case studies. These case studies covered many areas: Innovation Management, IT for Management, Managerial Economics, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management and Strategic Marketing.
In developing these case studies, the BINUS Case Center coordinated with many well-known companies, such as Pamapersada, Bluebird, Medco, Astra, etc., and also explored available published sources.
Case Launch
BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL (BBS) is developing research in collaboration with Indonesian companies and is targeting 100 case studies in 2010. The case studies are not only used for the benefits of the clients, but also for the development of our students.
BBS began the local research in 2007, and by 2008 44 case study researches in some business fields: strategic marketing, product innovation, business strategy and leadership, have been completed
Recently, BBS has conducted a Case Launch on “Sudiarso Prasetio’s Valued Based Leadership”. The case study was written by Tubagus Hanafi, MM, MBA, author and Program Director – MM Executive.
On December 2, 2009 at JWC, the Case Launch presented Sudiarso Prasetio, President Director of PT. Pamapersada Nusantara (PAMA), as an actor of the case study.
Case Launch is a sharing knowledge basis regards certain case study who written by faculty member on BBS. In this occasion, case study presented as professional’s discussion material in field “Sudiarso Prasetio’s Valued Based Leadership”. Hopefully, it could add value of knowledge for student and supporting BINUS to become A World Class Knowledge Institution.
Bantuan DIKTI
In 2009, BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL (BBS) had 7 papers accepted by DIKTI’s program “Bantuan Seminar Luar Negeri” for international conferences that took place in Europe, Australia and Asia.
The authors and conferences for this funding were:
- Firdaus Alamsjah, Ph.D (OSCM 2009: 3rd International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, 9-11 December 2009 – Bujang Valley Malaysia ),
- Dezie L. Warganegara, Ph.D (The 10th Annual Asian Academic Accounting Association Conference, 16-17 November 2009, Kadir Has University, Istanbul – Turkey ),
- Ir. Yanthi Hutagaol, M.Acc., Ph.D (11th International Business Research Conference, Marriott Hotel Sydney Australia, 1-4 December 2009 ),
- Diah Wihardini, B.Sc.(Hons)., M.Ed. (The 35th International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA) Annual Conference,, Australia, 14 – 18 September 2009 ),
- Raymond Kosala, Ph.D (7th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2009), 14-16 December 2009, Kualalumpur Malaysia),
- Dr. Pantri Heriyati, SE., M.Comm. (3rd Asia Pacific Marketing Conference, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kuching-Sarawak, 9-11 December 2009),
- Lianti Raharjo, M.Mktg (3rd Asia Pacific Marketing Conference, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kuching-Sarawak, 9-11 December 2009).
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