Doctor of Research in Management (DRM)
“Turning Rigor into Relevance”

Program Objective

  1. To provide students with the necessary skills and attitudes to get updated with state of the art research in their respective concentration area.
  2. To provide students with current industry best practices as the basis for further research in the improvement and or innovation related initiatives.
  3. To provide students with access to development in ICT as the key ingredients and or differentiators of their research

Graduate Competency

  1. Graduates will be able to perform self updating exercise with latest development in their concentration area
  2. Graduates will be able to analyze the current industry best practices, develop a quality research proposal, and embark on the required research for improvement and or innovations for the enhancement of best practices
  3. Graduates will be able to utilize and embrace the development in ICT as leverage in their research

Program Structure


Semester 1

  • Philosophy of Science & Management
  • Theory of Organization
  • Concentration Course 1

Semester 2

  • Advanced Research Methodology & Dissertation Writing
  • Seminar on Innovation, Knowledge, & Technology
  • Concentration Course 2

Qualifying Examinations

Semester 3

  • Concentration Course 3
  • Concentration Course 4
  • Research Proposal Exam

Semester 4

  • Research Findings Exam

Semester 5

  • Dissertation Defense 1 (closed)
  • Dissertation Defense 2 (open)

Semester 6

  • Dissertation Defense (extention from semester 5)

Business Management
Concentration 1    Advanced Strategic Management
Concentration 2    Managerial Economics
Concentration 3    Seminar on Selective Topics
Concentration 4    Multivariate and Statistical Analysis

Information Systems Management
Concentration 1    Advanced Business Intelligence
Concentration 2    Business Systems
Concentration 3    Managing Corporate Information Systems
Concentration 4    Enterprise Systems

Marketing Science
Concentration 1    Consumer Behavior
Concentration 2    Theory of Marketing
Concentration 3    Seminar on Selective Topics
Concentration 4    Multivariate and Statistical Analysis

Faculty Members

  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM
  • Prof. Dr. H. Faisal Afiff, Spec.Lic.
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Abdurachman, MS, M.Sc.
  • Prof. Dr. Drs. Gerardus Polla, M.App.Sc.
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro
  • Prof. Ir. Bahtiar S. Abbas, M.Sc., Ph.D
  • Asnan Furinto, ST, MBA, Dr.
  • Boto Simatupang, Ir., MBP, Dr.
  • Budiman Notoatmodjo, Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D
  • Engkos Achmad Kuncoro, SE, MM, Dr.
  • Firdaus A. Alamsjah, Ir., MSIE, Ph.D
  • Junius Tirok, B.Sc., MBA, Dr.
  • Moh. Hamsal, Ir., MSE, MQM, MBA, Dr.
  • Nora Andrida Brabo, MBA, Dr.
  • Pantri Heriyati, SE, M.Com., Dr.
  • Stephanus Remond Waworuntu, SE, MBA, Dr.
  • Titik Indrawati, SE, ME, Dr.
  • Raymondus Raymond Kosala, ST, M.Eng., MBA, Ph.D
  • Richard Kumaradjaja, Ph.D

Prospective Career of the Graduates

The graduates of DRM could take up one or combination of the following roles:

  • As Professional Researchers, actively conducting research and publishing their papers in SCOPUS-indexed international journals
  • As Industry Consultants, actively conducting high profile consulting projects with leading companies and producing copyrighted frameworks and or white papers
  • As Business Leaders, actively leading research based initiatives and actions in their respective company and becoming agent of change in the improvement and or innovation of industry best practices