Academic Affairs & Development


Academic Resource Center  (ARC)

ARC is a division under Vice Rector Academic Development that collaborates with all faculties/schools, study programs, and programs in developing high quality curricula and contents. It collaborates with all faculties, study programs, and programs to develop competence-based curricula in line with scientific vision, social, & industry needs. It also supports the preparation of learning materials that facilitates teaching and learning process for both lecturers and students.

Our Team:

Position Full Name Campus Contact
Academic Resources Center Manager Yulia Magdalena Kemanggisan & Senayan (021)5345830 Ext.2279
Academic Resources Support Associate Manager Melki Sadekh Mansuan Kemanggisan (021)5345830 Ext.2277/2278
Academic Content Support Officer Eva Aprianti
Aris Priyanto
Budi Mangiri
Academic Content Support Staff Lisa Dwipangga
Nur Amalia
Anisa Eka Ferina
Eka Mugtianingrum
Ilham Hismi Haque
Academic Curriculum Support Officer Anisa Agustina
Intan Caesari
Academic Curriculum Support Staff Ari Saputro
Katherina Anastasya Samosir
Vini Octaviani Puspita
Academic Quality Section Head Wirmandi Pamungkas (021)5345830 Ext.2278
Academic Curriculum Quality Officer Mujahidil Mustaqim
Salyantissa Putri
Achmad Assegaf
Academic Content Quality Officer Rahandika Mita Pramesti
Academic Resources Quality & Support Section Head Afifah Afianty Senayan (021)7202222 Ext.3125
Academic Curriculum Quality & Support Officer Rahmi Juwita
Academic Curriculum Quality & Support Staff Muhammad Aghni Ismatuloh
Academic Content Quality & Support Officer Rahandian Pratiwi
Academic Content Quality & Support Staff Yehezkiel Danielle

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Lecturer Resource Center (LRC)

The Lecturer Resource Center supports lecturers’ activities. It includes Academic Post Level Administration, collecting data Competency Profiling Lecturers, and evaluate lecturers perfomance to support Development Plan for lecturers at BINUS UNIVERSITY.

The goals of LRC:

  • Ensure excellent operational process for all stakeholders
  • To give excellent services and information for lecturers

LRC services include:

  • Providing Information for lecturers
  • Providing data Competency Profiling lecturers for performance and competencies
  • Providing strategy in building teaching capabilities
  • Giving consultation regarding Teaching and academic performance issues
  • Administrating data and documentation that related to academic promotion & FM qualification
  • Provide, maintain, and ensure the reliable data related to Lecturer Management
No Posisi Nama
1 Lecturer Resource Center Manager Dr. Olifia Rombot, S.Sos., S.Pd., M.Pd.
2 Lecturer Career Devel opment –Government Senior Officer Dedy Suryadi Lukman, S.Sos
3 Lecturer Career Development – Government Section Head Ika Triana, S.Pd., M.M.
4 Lecturer Career Development – Government Officer Eni Kusniawati, S.E.
5 Lecturer Career Development – Government Officer Tri Susilowati, S.I.Kom
6 Lecturer Career Development – Government Officer Paula Rita Wijayanti, S.Hum.
7 Lecturer Career Development – Government Staff Novi Intan Soraya, S.SI.
8 Lecturer Career Development – Government Staff Isti Fanya Sakinah, S.Si.
9 Lecturer Career Development – Government Staff Indra Dwi Saputra, S.M.
10 Lecturer Career Development – Government Staff Jessica Revenski Widjaja, S.T.
11 Professorship Program Section Head Sri Utari, S.Kom.
12 Professorship Program  Officer Ari Syahrial, S.Kom., M.M.
13 Lecturer Perf ormance & Internal Career Development Section Head Nyoman Ayu Gita Gayatri, S.Kom., M.Kom
14 Lecturer Internal Career Development Officer Dwi Ary Nugroho, S.Pd.
15 Lecturer Performance Officer Yuni Atikah, S.Kom., M.M.
16 Lecturer Performance Staff Eva Rustina Hutajulu, S.E.
17 Faculty Member Relations Section Head Dian Anggraini Kusumajati, S.Psi., M.Psi.
18 Faculty Member Relations Officer Raras Wati, S.M.
19 Faculty Member Relations Officer Moza Nadya Miranda, S.E.
20 Lecturer Planning & Monitoring Section Head Dewi, S.Kom., M.M
21 Lecturer Planning & Monitoring Officer Siti Adawiyah, S.I.kom
22 Lecturer Planning & Monitoring Staff Nandia Pratiwi, S.E.

For further information, please contact :
Lecturer Resource Center (LRC)
Anggrek Campus, Room 209
Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No.27, Kebon Jeruk
West Jakarta – 11530


Character Building Development Center (CBDC)

The BINUS UNIVERSITY Character Building Development Center (CBDC) was established in 2001. The center was established to facilitate character education among all BINUS UNIVERSITY students. Character education is integrated into all the university’s educational programs, and includes a comprehensive program of lectures aimed at shaping a GREAT alumnus – one who is not only smart and skillful, but also has a strong character and a good personality.

CBDC has the following responsibilities: Developing materials and preparation for character education, which is also known as Character Building (CB), for all BINUS UNIVERSITY students; Planning and developing teaching methods; Training and developing lecturer skills.

Previous CB consists of four (4) subjects as follows: Character Building I, Relationship with Self: This course emphasizes the creation of a positive attitude for oneself. Character Building II, Relationship with Others: The course discusses building a positive attitude with others. Character Building III, Relationship with God: This course focuses on developing a positive attitude towards the various religions – one that is inclusive, plural, open, and critical. Character Building IV, Relationship with Nature, Science and Technology, and the Workplace. This course discusses how to develop a positive attitude towards nature and the environment, develop and use science and technology, and become a professional in the workplace.

Now, according to the working world that increasingly demands high and complex, then the character education materials to all students of the BINUS UNIVERSITY changed, adapted to the demands of the working world. Without leaving the essential elements of character education that continue to be developed in it, the new character education materials will be more directed to help students have more capability in terms of work and entrepreneurship (employability and entrepreneurial skills).

New material character-building education can be regarded as more specific development of the old material, so that is also known as “New CB”. The new material consists of four series with a total weight of credits equal to the old CB. The four new series, with the weight of each = 2 credits, are: CB: Self Development, CB: Spiritual Development, CB: Interpersonal Development, and CB: Professional Development. Through various activities of the deepening of the four themes Binus graduates are expected to have advantages in terms of: Self-confidence, the inclusive religious attitudes (respect for differences), good interpersonal relations, especially in the workplace, and the ability to manage work and ethical decision-making on important issues related to the world of work and entrepreneurship. With more capacity in these things are expected the graduates of BINUS UNIVERSITY have high competitiveness in the global labor market.

Lecturing methods have been developed to be more interesting, which employ, among others, numerous real case studies, movie screenings related to the topic under discussion, role playing, and field trips. In summary, it can be said that Character Building is a special mandatory course that focuses on the formation of character, giving priority to humanistic values.

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