Program Description

The MM Executive in Strategic Management program, with its “concise-but-no-compromise” learning experience, is tailored for executives who wish to remain on the job while not only obtaining their advanced degree but also answering top management challenges: growth, innovation, excellent execution and leadership. This program is based on trilogy cognitive principles adopted from Harvard Business School: ‘Knowing, Doing and Being’. ‘Knowing’ or knowledge is about developing highly analytical skills, ‘doing’ is about developing the professional skills that required for business activities, and ‘being’ is about the developing of personal purpose or identity that relates to the role and responsibilites of business leader. 

Prospective Career

Strategy Manager, Corporate Strategy Manager, Senior Strategy Analyst, Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), Business Development Manager, Strategy Consultant, Corporate Development Manager, Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Specialist, Strategic Planning Consultant, Business Strategy Consultant, Change Management Consultant, Organizational Development Specialist, Business Intelligence Manager, Data Strategy Manager.