Syahdan Campus Services
- BINUS Alumni Center (BAC)
- Student Creativity Development Center (SCDC)
- BINUS Institutional Development and Collaboration Center (BIDC)
- Information Technology Directorate and Applied Technology Laboratories (ATL)

BINUS Alumni Center (BAC)
Welcome to our biggest BINUSIAN community.
BINUS Alumni Community is one big family. We can develop many things positively, and create many opportunities together, such as job opportunities, networking, business, and more. We hope that all of you Alumni can help to make this happen. The first step is to update your data and build your networks at
BINUS UNIVERSITY offers many facilities to alumni to support their community. Our BINUS Alumni Center (BAC) is located at:
Marketing Room, 1st floor
Syahdan Campus
Jl. K. H. Syahdan No. 9, Kemanggisan / Palmerah
West Jakarta 11480
Telp. (62 – 21) 534 5830 ext. 2171
Fax. (62 – 21) 530 0244
Many events and programs have been held. All of the activities of this center always involve collaboration between alumni and students. A list of events, facilities, and programs is provided on our
If you have any requests, criticisms or opinions about how to improve the alumni community, please email us at
Many thanks, and best regards to all of you, Alumni of BINUS UNIVERSITY!

Student Creativity Development Center (SCDC)
The Student Creativity Development Center (SCDC) is a board/organization appointed by BINUS UNIVERSITY to develop student organizations to develop activity organizations. It is headed by the 3rd Vice Rector – Student Affairs & Community Development.
The SCDC is chaired by Mr. Robby Saleh, S.Kom., MT as a SCDC Manager. Mr Robby Saleh is assisted by the Student Activity Unit (UKM), Student Association (HMJ), and Media Information coach and supported by administration staff. The coach initiates a new development from planning and implementing to controlling and evaluating all student organizational activities under his/her control.The administration staff helps with administrative needs.
UKM and HMJ development are divided into four groups:
UKM and HMJ Reasoning, chaired by Mrs. Sri Widdyastuti, S.Kom.:
- 19 Student Associations (HMJ)
- HIMA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi)
- HIMANDA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Mandarin)
- HIMDKV (Himpunan Mahasiswa Design Komunikasi Visual)
- HIMJA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Jepang)
- HIMKA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Komputerisasi Akuntansi)
- HIMMAT (Himpunan Mahasiswa Matematika)
- HIMME (Himpunan Mahasiswa Manajemen Ekonomi)
- HIMSI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris)
- HIMSISFO (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sistem Informasi)
- HIMSTAT (Himpunan Mahasiswa Statistik)
- HIMARS (Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur)
- HIMTEK (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Komputer)
- HIMTES (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil)
- HIMTI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika)
- HIMTRI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri)
- HIMMARCOMM (Himpunan Mahasiswa Marketing Communication)
- HIMPSIKO (Himpunan Mahasiswa Psikologi)
- HIMDI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Desain Interior)
- HOME (Himpunan Mahasiswa Hotel Management)
- 4 UKM Reasoning
- NC (Nippon Club)
- 19 Student Associations (HMJ)
- UKM Sport and Self-defense chaired by Mr. Besar, SH, MH :
- 4 Sports UKM (training in Syahdan)
- Basketball
- Badminton
- Table Tennis
- Volleyball
- 6 Self-defense UKM
- Aikido
- Bangau Putih
- Karate
- Merpati Putih
- Taekwondo
- Wushu
- 4 Sports UKM (training in Syahdan)
- Religious UKM chaired by Mr. Drs. Moang de Fernandez :
- KMBD (Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhis Dhammavaddhana)
- KMH (Keluarga Mahasiswa Hindu)
- KMK (Keluaraga Mahasiswa Katholik)
- MT (Majelis Ta’Lim)
- PO (Persekutuan Oikumene)
- KBMK (Keluarga Besar Mahasiswa Kong Hu Cu)
- Sport, Art, Streaming and Information Media UKM chaired by Mr. Paulus A.F. Dwi Santo, S.H, M.H:
- 5 Sports UKM
- BNAC (BINA NUSANTARA Automotive Club)
- BNSC (BINA NUSANTARA Softball-Baseball Club)
- Sepak Bola
- 4 Arts UKM
- Band
- Paramabira (Paduan Suara Mahasiswa BINA NUSANTARA)
- ST Manis (Seni Teater Mahasiswa BINA NUSANTARA)
- Stamanara (Seni Tari Mahasiswa BINA NUSANTARA)
- 2 Streaming UKM
- Klifonara (Klub Pecinta Fotografi BINA NUSANTARA)
- Swanarapala (Mahasiswa BINA NUSANTARA Pencinta Alam)
- Information Media B Voice
- 5 Sports UKM
SCDC also conducts training called Student Management Skills Training (LKMM) which teaches leadership, communication, and management skills. LKMM is held twice a year.

BINUS Institutional Development and Collaboration Center (BIDC)
BINUS Institutional Development and Collaboration Center (BIDC) is focusing both on academic development, facilitates study program in achieving Projects through Institutional Grant and facilitates cooperative ventures between BINUS UNIVERSITY and external parties such as industry and institution. BIDC is developing 9 programs and is offering 8 competitive grant programs during 2010 and 2011. At Collaboration Center, The Center acts as ‘hub’ that connects the faculties with external organizations and vice versa. We are exploring and seeking at is a synergistic partnership between University with Industry partners. The formats are but not limited to: Academic, Corporate Social Responsibility, Professional Services, or combination of several formats. We partner these organizations but not limited to: Corporate, Non-profit Organizations, Educational Institutions, Government-related, and Associations.
Nationwide University Network in Indonesia (NUNI)
Initiated by BINUS University and together with 20 other universities in Indonesia, Nationwide University Network ( in Indonesia is a strategic collaboration between universities in Indonesia with the objective of creating value in academic excellence through mobility of research, faculty and student. Nationwide University Network in Indonesia creates opportunities on a scale that each member would not be able to achieve by operating independently or through traditional bilateral collaboration.
The Collaboration objectives of NUNI:
- Global Learning System
- Student Mobility
- Lecturer Mobility
- Research Collaboration
Study Program Development
BIDC with Marketing Intelligence, Operation and Academic Divisions are working together to propose a new study program based on demand and future needs. The new study program must have a good prospect, well-accepted graduates in industries and aligned with government policy of opening a new study program.
- Post Graduate Doctoral Program in Management
- Product Design Management
- Mobile Application and Technology
- Information System Audit
- International Marketing
- Digital Journalism
- Creative Advertising
- Business Law
- International Relationship
Grants Program 2010 – 2011
In offering the grants program, BIDC coordinates with Vice Rectors, Directors, and Deans. The inputs related with the grants opportunity are coming from units and/or Study Programs. Between 2010 – 2011, BINUS UNIVERSITY won Grants for activities, study program development and social responsibility program as follows:
- National Grants:
- Institutional Capacity Improvement Program
Unit involved: Accounting, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Library and Knowledge Center, Information Technology Directorate. - Entrepreneurship Program
Unit involved : BINUS Entrepreneurship Center - Resource Management for Knowledge, Technology and Art
Unit involved : BINUS Career, Research Interest Group, IT Directorate - Social Responsibility for Anti-Corruption Campaign Program
Unit involved : Design and Communication Visual, Animation, IT Directorate, Corporate Marketing Communication, Community Development - International Affair Office Development Program
Unit involved : BINUS International Office - Completing Research Project and Intellectual Property Registration
Unit involved : Computer Engineering, Research Directorate - Developing Center of Entrepreneurship in Private and National Higher Education at The Directorate General of Higher Education, 2011
- Institutional Capacity Improvement Program
- International Grants:
- U.K. : Prime Minister’s Initiative for International Education
Unit involved : BINUS Entrepreneurship Center
- U.K. : Prime Minister’s Initiative for International Education
Contact Information
If you would like to know more about BINUS Institutional Development and Collaboration Center and More Information on how to build a program or activity with BINUS Collaboration’ Network Partners, please contact:
Stephen Gregorius Kurnia
BINUS Institutional Development and Collaboration Center Manager
BINUS University
Jl. KH. Syahdan No. 9, Palmerah, Jakarta 11480, Indonesia
T. (62-21) 534-5830 ext. 2105
F. (62-21) 530-1668

Information Technology Directorate and Applied Technology Laboratories (ATL)
One of BINUS UNIVERSITY’s main strengths in creating and operating academic activities and services to BINA NUSANTARA Group stakeholders is IT implementation in every aspect of academic and academic support processes.
In August 2005, BINA NUSANTARA Foundation decided to upgrade its IT from departmental to directorate status, reporting directly to BINA NUSANTARA Foundation. The IT Directorate is responsible not only for supporting BINUS UNIVERSITY but also all business units in the BINA NUSANTARA Group. Currently, the IT Directorate is located on Syahdan campuse. The office is located on H Builiding the 2nd floor.
The IT Directorate is now lead by a General Manager of IT, Eddy Santosa Jaya, S.Kom., MM. The IT Directorate has five main functions:
IS Development
This deparment is lead by/managed by: Yosef Bernardus Wirian, S.Kom., S.Si.
This department is responsible for applications development in areas, which includes BINUS University, BINUS Business School, BINUS Consulting & Training, BIS Simprug, BIS Serpong, BINUS Center, BINUS Square, Finance Directorate, Marketing Directorate, Strategic Planning & Corporate Development Directorate, Widia Center of Excellence for Teaching and Learning, Talent Management Directorate, General Affair & Legal Directorate dan Information Technology Directorate.
University IS Development
This deparment is lead by/managed by: Karto Iskandar, S.Kom., MM and Specialist: Wihendro, S.Kom., MM.
This department is responsible for applications development in areas, which includes, BINUS UNIVERSITY, BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL and BINUS Online Learning.
School IS Development
This deparment is lead by/managed by: Lawrence Wibisono, M.S/M.Sc.
This department is responsible for applications development in areas, which includes, BINUS School Simprug, BINUS School Serpong and Libraries in BINUS Group.
Technology Development
This deparment is lead by/managed by: Roy Hidayat, S.Kom.
This department is responsible for current technology research development which can be implemented in BINUS Group, managing human resources (Associate Member) and communication mediator for IT Directorate with users.
IT Operation
This deparment is lead by/managed by: Johan Muliadi Kerta, S.Kom., MM.
This department is responsible for support IT operation in BINA NUSANTARA Group and communities around it. This department has two main functions are: Network and Communication, responsible for network operational and management in BINUS Group and communities around it. Data Center is responsible for network operational and management in BINUS Group and communities around it.
Apart from its seven main functions, the IT Directorate also established an Applied Technology Laboratory (ATL), whose goal is to improve BINUSIAN with computer manufacturers and IT service provides. BINUSIANS can become associate members through a staged selection process, and can become actively involved in the IT development and implementation. ATL also provides facilities and allows students the opportunity to undertake practical work and compile projects using the latest technology. At the same time, ATL also helps them to apply their results to BINUS IT.
To managing human resources, IT Directorate established program for new associate member of BINA NUSANTARA IT Directorate is called METAMORPH. It aims to transform students to professional in information technology industry. Students can be expert in their field, they provide with knowledge about information technology.
Contact Us
Dewi Riana
Community Development CoordinatorPhone : (021) 534 5830 ext. 2310
Address : IT Directorate, KH. Syahdan No. 9
Jakarta 11480
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