(S1+S1) Digital Business Innovation
A world class study program that excels in providing high-level Information system education is specialized in business-IT, recognized internationally, and champions innovation.
- Nurturing students and lecturers with creative and value-adding talents in Information System by creating a suitable environment;
- Educating students in information systems, covering knowledge and skills in analyzing, designing and implementing information systems for improving business processes and to be able to create an innovative and valuable information system solution, through intensive learning process, research activities and collaboration with global industries;
- Providing integrated knowledge to pursue further studies and create outstanding professionals, entrepreneurs, and leaders for a global community;
- Providing professional services in Information System with an emphasis on the application of knowledge to society;
- Fostering the quality of life of Indonesians and the international community through leveraging Information system solutions.
Program Objectives
- (PO 1) Equip students with the expertise and solid basic knowledge about system development that will be needed as a professional in the field of information systems, as well as increasing the skills and knowledge of educators in the information systems field;
- (PO 2) Prepare students with proficiency and in-depth knowledge of innovative information systems related to IT-Business Innovation.
- (PO 3) Equip students with the ability to use knowledge of applied business applications for specific industrial purposes;
- (PO 4) Equip the community with expertise and knowledge through the use of information system solutions;
- (PO 5) Provide education to the public regarding the use and application of information systems.
Bachelor’s Degree:
S.Bns., S.Kom.
Prospective Career of the Graduates
- System Analyst
- System Developer
- Entrepreneur
- Intrapreneur
- Business Developer
- Business Planner
- Digital Business Specialist
- Small Business Consultant
- Information System Consultant
Course Structure
Course | SCU | |
CHAR6034032 | Character Building: Pancasila | 2 |
ENPR6143032 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Business | 4 |
ENTR6431032 | Creative and Innovative Thinking 2) | 2 |
ENPR6136032 | Marketing for Entrepreneur | 4 |
COSC6059032 | Foundations of Artificial Intelligence | 2 |
ISYS6896003 | Information Systems Management, Strategy and Acquisition 1) | 4 |
ISYS6897003 | Digital Innovation | 2 |
Total SCU | 20 | |
Cumulative SCU | 20 |
- This course is delivered in English
- Global Learning System course
- Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the detail.
Course | SCU | ||
CHAR6035032 | Character Building: Kewarganegaraan | 2 | |
LANG6097032 | Indonesian | 2 | |
ENPR6153032 | Business Operations and Supply Chain | 4 | |
ENPR6154032 | Sustainable Business Model 1) | 4 | |
ISYS6898003 | Algorithm and Programming | 2/2 | |
ISYS6901003 | Enterprise Business Process2) | 4 | |
Total SCU | 20 | ||
Cumulative SCU | 40 |
- This course is delivered in English
- Global Learning System course
- Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the detail.
Course | SCU | |
CHAR6036032 | Character Building: Agama | 2 |
ISYS6892003 | Database Fundamental 1)&2) | 4/2 |
ENPR6213032 | Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting | 2/2 |
ENPR6155032 | Entrepreneurial Leadership and Organization 2) | 4 |
ISYS6894003 | IT Infrastructure & Emerging Technology | 4 |
ISYS6256003 | Information Systems Project Management 1)&2) | 4 |
Total SCU | 24 | |
Cumulative SCU | 64 |
- This course is delivered in English
- Global Learning System course
- Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the detail.
Course | SCU | ||
ENTR6985032 | Business Plan 2) | 4/2 | |
ENPR6156032 | Business Law and Ethics | 2 | |
ISYS6596003 | User Experience Research and Design2) | 4/2 | |
ISYS6900003 | IT Governance & Security2) | 4 | |
ISYS6338003 | Testing and Systems Implementation1) | 2 | |
COSC6050003 Programming for Business | 2/2 | ||
Total SCU | 24 | ||
Cumulative SCU | 88 |
- This course is delivered in English
- Global Learning System course
- Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the detail.
Course | SCU | ||
ISYS6893003 | Information Systems Analysis and Design2) | 4/2 | |
ISYS6198003 | Data and Information Management 2) | 4 | |
ISYS6673003 | Digital Business Project 2) | 4/2 | |
ENPR6137032 | Commercializing Emerging Technology | 2/2 | |
ENPR6157032 | Business and Performance Analytics | 4 | |
Total SCU | 24 | ||
Cumulative SCU | 112 |
- This course is delivered in English
- Global Learning System course
- In 5th Semester, learning process will be conducted in BINUS@Jakarta
Course | SCU |
RSCH6694032 Business Information Systems Research Methodology1) | 4 |
ISYS6895003 Data Modelling | 2/2 |
ISYS6899003 Minor Project in Information Systems | 4 |
Total SCU | 24 |
Cumulative SCU | 136 |
- This course is delivered in English
- Global Learning System course
- In 6th Semester, learning process will be conducted in BINUS@Jakarta
Course | SCU | |
Enrichment Program I | 20 | |
Total SCU | 20 | |
Cumulative SCU | 156 |
Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). See enrichment appendix for the tracks detail.
Course | SCU | |
Enrichment Program II | 20 | |
Total SCU | 20 | |
Cumulative SCU | 176 |
Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). See enrichment appendix for the tracks detail.
Course | SCU | |||
RSCH6604032 | Pre Thesis | 2 | ||
RSCH6605032 | Thesis | 4 | ||
ENTR6445032 | Thesis | 6 | ||
Total SCU | 6 | |||
Cumulative SCU | 182 |
Pre-Thesis (2 SCU) and Thesis (4SCU) can be taken in the 7th and/or 8th semester by students who meet requirements from the study program.
Notes : (Information for group table)
MKK = Mata kuliah Keilmuan & Ketrampilan (Science and Skill Course)
MKB = Mata kuliah Keahlian Berkarya (Creative Expertise Course)
MPK = Mata kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (Personality Development Course)
MPB = Mata kuliah Perilaku Berkarya (Creative Behavior Course)
MBB = Mata kuliah Berkehidupan Bermasyarakat (Social Living Course)
Enrichment Track Scheme
Certified Internship Track
The purpose of Internship Track is to foster, educate and produce human resources who are ready to be applied between BINUS University and BIPP partners (to reduce the gap between education and industry). Students will do practical work in the company for 1(one) or 2 (two) semesters and convert a maximum of 40 (forty) credits. The company will provide jobs according to the skills and expertise according to the student’s major. In this Study Program, taking Internship Track is mandatory in either 6th or 7th semesters, in which students available to choose other Certified Enrichment Track.
Through this track, students will also follow the work culture and working hours of the company so that companies can evaluate prospective employees from an early age who may be able to continue the process from internship to employee. For students themselves, the advantage of this program is that students have the opportunity to apply the knowledge learned on campus in a real work environment and students will also get sufficient training when they graduate.
Certified Entrepreneurship Track
For students who have a business spirit, students will be guided by experienced lecturers and coaches to make a mature business plan from scratch until the business can run. Students are also bridged to find financing from venture capital.
The value proposition of this program is to prepare students with real experience to become entrepreneurs through start-up businesses.
During this program, students are provided with a room or co-working place on each campus to facilitate the mentoring process from the coaches, so that they can intensively discuss in the context of developing student business plans.
Certified Research Track
It is a collaborative research program between lecturers and students where students are directly involved in research activities that hone students’ abilities in scientific writing. Students will be guided by the best researchers from BINUS University to conduct research, and are expected to create new innovations that are beneficial to society.
Value Proposition: Preparing students to have good analytical skills. In this research activity, students act as members of the Research Team.
Certified Community Development Track
It is a program carried out by lecturers, staff, and students to achieve the 5th mission of Bina Nusantara University, which is to improve the quality of life for the Indonesian people and the international community. There are 2 (two) types of activities, namely: Voluntary Services and Community Development (including system development).
Value Proposition: Preparing students to have competence in the social field.
Certified Specific Independent Study Track
Track Specific Study Independent is a competency-based debriefing process that allows students to demonstrate how to understand, study a particular field outside of their major. Through the Independent Track Specific Study, students will get professional learning from industry practitioners which allows opportunities to learn and develop competencies in new skills.
This track takes the form of certified training with various topics of expertise required by most industries, such as: Digital Marketing, Social Media Specialist, Data Analytics, etc.
By following this track, students will gain additional skills beyond the background of the study program they took in lectures so that they have greater opportunities to apply for various fields of work when they graduate.
Certified Study Abroad Track
It is a program that allows students to study abroad for 1 (one) or 2 (two) semesters, with a credit transfer scheme implemented at BINUS University partner universities. Through study abroad students are expected to gain intercultural experience, have a competitive advantage in the world of work and enrich soft skills in attitude and communication. Through this program, students can explore deeper insights and knowledge in a global environment. BINUS International Office will facilitate this program.
Value Proposition: Prepare students with a wealth of international experience.
Thesis can enrolled after completing all the requirement. Students can choose their campus when conducting their Thesis.