Multisite International Summer Course (MISC) 2023 is a short program organized by BINUS Business School (BBS), which was completed with visits to several BINUS campuses in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Malang. The program took place on July 19-30, 2023. By enrolling in this activity, international students will obtain integrated experience consisting of academic, social, and networking opportunities in Indonesia. It was held for the first time this year and succeeded in luring 29 students from various countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam, Australia, Germany, South Korea, and China, to the United States.

In addition, these are the partner institutions: Chung-Ang University, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule Karlsruhe – University of Applied Science, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Mariano Marcos State University, National University of Singapore, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Singapore University of Social Sciences, UC Limburg (UCLL), Van Lang University, and Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.

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The Multisite International Summer Course (MISC) Program 2023 BINUS @Bandung

By: Desi Indrawati