Webometrics Ranking Universities as The Most Dependable University Reference

Anyone who wants to choose the best university to enroll, they can get references from Webometrics Ranking Universities. So far, Webometrics remains as the most dependable ranking of Higher Education Institutions. The criteria that Webometrics use vary and they are the combination of certain variables.

The Background of Webometrics Ranking Universities

People are aware that Webometrics World Universities Ranking is the system of ranking universities worldwide. Situated in Madrid, it is the Cybermetrics Lab that publishes the rank. It is the Spanish National Research Council research group that initiates the idea of ranking the world’s universities.

For sure, this ranking has good objectives in which it can increase the academic and research institutions’ presence. This rank will be the reference for students to choose the best colleges that accommodate their skills. Many universities give their thumbs up because they can promote their existence for students worldwide.

The Webometrics Ranking Universities system started back in 2004 with the regular update in January and July every year. It is true that there are some other systems from other organizations that rank similarly. But, millions of people worldwide have put their trust in the Webometrics system as their reference in determining the college that they want to enroll in.

How Dependable Is It?

People worldwide have admitted the reliability of the data that Webometrics offer. Webometrics builds rank from several considerations. They include the available data from the website publicly. The data is combined from composite indicator variables that cover real global information.

The Webometrics follow certain criteria. They include:

  1. Web Indicator
    The global performance of a university is represented through its official website. The website is the evaluation of the activities and relevance. When a website of the university has relevant information with updated information, then it can become the proxy of the university’s dependability.
    It is understandable because many universities have been using their websites for describing their visions and missions. Those universities understand that it is hard to reach broader audiences through conventional methods like offline ads. The performance of a website represents the professionalism of the university.
    For the last decade, many universities have been using their websites for facilitating distance learning. This is very helpful for college students who want to study while maintaining their jobs. This is why a trustworthy rank system like Webometrics Ranking Universities is the main destination for people to find dependable universities.
  2. Impact Indicator
    This indicator accounts for fifty percent of the concern taken. Usually, this indicator refers to the content quality of the website. It is valued through the external links that the website domain gets from other websites.
    The external links can contribute to the prestige of the university. Besides, links from other websites represent the performance of the website academically. Usually, websites with quality backlinks have valuable information like general information about the university, its programs, admissions, and updated articles that bring beneficial information.
    There is such a strong impact of backlinks on a website. It also applies to the official websites of universities worldwide. The more reputable the university, the greater number of backlinks that it has. This is why this second indicator also contributes to the Webometrics Ranking Universities system.
  3. The Component of Presence
    It takes only 20% for the overall evaluation, but it is still influential. The evaluation is based on the overall web page numbers that are hosted in the university’s main web domain that Google has indexed. It means, Google recognizes the web page formats, whether it is static and also dynamic pages along with other rich files.
    The strong presence is also contributed by the role of people in the organization. Another evaluation is the extra domains or other websites in foreign languages. The existence of foreign languages on a website indicates that the universities pay attention to those who want to enroll from other countries.
  4. The Measurement of Excellence
    While it only accounts for less than 20% of the consideration taken, this factor is still very important. It indicates the number of academic papers that the universities have published internationally. It can bring such a high impact.
    Besides, the indicator makes limitations only on quality publications. This is why this indicator is highly important regardless of its small consideration. High-quality publications represent the cited papers output of the universities.
  5. The Openness and Excellence Indexes
    The openness index and excellence index separately only account for less than 20% of the consideration taken though they are still contributing to the Webometrics Ranking Universities system. The openness index takes account of rich files which are indexed by Google Scholar as the academic search engine. Meanwhile, the excellence index refers to papers on the top-cited website.

Webometrics Ranking Universities is still the most reputable ranking that the world recognizes. BINUS @Bandung is proud to be at #1591 World Rank with #1797 Impact, #2094 Openness, and #2140 Excellence. It is the main evidence that BINUS @Bandung is highly recommended for college students whose dream is to gain the brightest future. Register  at BINUS @Bandung now.