By Intan Suci Lestari

We may never really realize it, the name of the residential often plays an important role when we want to visit someone’s residence in that residential. Not only that, Gojek drivers and couriers arrive at our homes safely and don’t get lost when the EGD elements in our environment are neatly arranged. This is my personal experience, a delivery of food got lost to someone’s house because the residential that I live in does not yet have a name sign. Not only that, many Gojek drivers get lost looking for addresses before they have to be directed. This is where a sign becomes important for a residential.


As explained by Colori & Eynden in the book Signage and Wayfinding Design, the function of signage is divided into 4, such as; as an identification sign that aims to provide identity to a place or an object, Directional sign which is usually in the form of directions and instructions to people so that they can easily determine the destination location. Orientation sign, a sign to clarify an object, such as an information board regarding a location, and how to operate something, Regulatory sign serves as a sign of rules, prohibitions, warnings that are expected to regulate people’s behavior.


Well… from this theory, it can be concluded that the residential name sign is an identification sign because its purpose is clearly to give identity to the place. Signs for residential name signage also vary. if we pay attention to residential name signage, it becomes the identity of the residential not literal. We can see from the signage which are luxury residential, ordinary residentials, exclusive residentials, and others.


We can see from these picture only, it could be ensured that they are an elite residential areas.

There is also residential name signage that is not as widely known by the public as in picture 4. Tugu Tanganin Picture 3 is more widely known as a more iconic identification sign in the elite residential area of ​​Setra Duta.

Let’s look at two pictures, pictures 5 and 6, we can see and feel the difference from the previous pictures. A simple name sign reflects a simple Region too. So the design of the residential name signage mostly influences the image of the residential itself.


It turns out that we can look at design everywhere, not only in the things that we always think are cool but always and will always be there to the tiniest things on earth and of around us too.