How To Avoid Making A Failed Logo Design
Some people may think that a logo is just writing or an image, but it’s not. A good logo can build public perception of a product, so that the product will be easy for the public to know and remember. Therefore, a designer cannot just create a logo, because the logo has an important role. In reality, there are a few logo that can be count as a “failed” logo. For example:
- Dodge Viper
Dodge Viper is a sports cars brand and this brand is also very famous in the world. That is why, the internet was abuzz when people realized that when the car’s logo was reversed, it looked like the cartoon character, Daffy Duck. The image is certainly does not match the high class impression that the car wants to give.
- Sat An
When designer is making a logo, he or she must pay attention on the spacing of each letter. Why? Because if a designer doesn’t pay attention to spacing, the brand name or slogan can have a very different meaning than what was intended. The brand above is one of many examples that shows how important spacing is in making a logo. In that logo, the name of the brand name is Sat An but without the spacing makes people or audience call it Satan. This meaning is very far from what was intended.
In the “normal” position, the OGC logo looks like a pretty good and normal design. It’s only when we rotate the design that a less obscene shape becomes visible. This is why a designer have to pay attention to design from all sides. Because to avoid something like the image above to happen again in the future.
- Arlington Pediatric Centre
When it was released, designers & related brands said that this logo was an attempt to carry out a viral marketing campaign. However, quite a few people feel very disturbed by this design. Apart from that, the design does not have any character elements related to the world of health. When a designer make a logo, a designer should also test the logo by asking other people who is more profesional and having more experience or public and see what is their opinion about the logo and what can be improve from the logo that the designer has made to avoid something like this to happen again in the future.
- Clinica Dental Sans Marcelino, etc
In this logo, a health institution should give the impression of comfort, but here the design actually gives the opposite impression. The impression of this logo is the staff wants to do bad thing to the patient
So, now the question is how to avoid failure when creating a logo? There are 7 points that the writer will write down in this article to avoid making a “failed logo” and that are:
- Understanding the brand and its purpose A good logo is usually able to reflect its identity that differentiates it from other brands. What generally differentiates a brand from other brands is its goals and background. Therefore, before creating a logo, a logo designer’s job is to dig up in-depth information from clients regarding the background of their business or company as well as the things they want or like. Designer also needs to know that each elements in the logo also has a deep meaning.
- Simplicity The purpose of having a logo is to make it easier for people to remember and recognize a brand and its products. Therefore, sometimes a simple and easy to remember design is quite important.
- Make a Sketch Sketching is a step that can speed up ideas to flow. This step can also describe the concept that the designer or client wants on paper so that it can provide a clearer picture before the concept is expressed in the design on the computer. Apart from that, this sketch step is also quite important for exploring ideas, shapes and design elements that will be included in the logo. This step will help a designer a lot.
- Typography matters Typography is one of lots of elements that usually used in a logo. Every typeface has its own meaning and could deliver one or more message to audience. Even though typeface is just a text or a number, the stroke is very meaningfull. The important of typeface is not just for making the logo looks elegant but also help people or audience to remember and memorize the logo. For example if designer wants to deliver a message such as sports and masculine, usually uses typeface that are thick and strict stroke, but if designer wants to deliver message such as calm and relaxing, designer can use typefaces with wavy and thinner stroke. Designer needs to understand this to make a good looking and cool logo.
- Test the logo When designer is making a logp, logo is made not for the designer, but for designer’s client and public. A logo also needs to put in lots of media such as social media, banner, billboard, ID card, and lots more. Those media have different layouts and size. A designer needs to put the logo in a perfect size (not too big or too small) and a few format so that people can see the logo clearly.
- Check the logo relevance As mentioned above, every logo is not just a text or an image, but it is an identity of a brand and have a deep background and meaning on each of the elements. The question is .. is that logo is relevant for thr business or company? And is the message that the owner wants to deliver through the logo can be catch by the audience or public people?
- Look for references For making a spectacular logo, a designer usually needs to look for references. This helps a designer on the inspiration and idea to make a spectacular logo. Which normally, idea (from designer him/herself) is very important to create a spectacular logo for designer’s client or even for designer’s company itself.
In conclusion, logo has a important role for a company or business so that people or public can easily remember the business or company. Since logo has a important role, a designer should make a logo looks spectacular and the message that needs to be deliver can be deliver to the target audience or customer. A designer also needs to understand the clients company or business and search for idea to make a logo by looking for reference, sketching, and paying attention for all the design elements in the logo that the designer has made and then ask the business owner or professional people abot their opinion on the logo.