
Minor Description

The Designpreneur Minor program give students the ability to be able to produce innovative work in the form of products or services based on creativity and design that can be utilized in running or developing a business



BINUS @Bandung


Career Options:

Design journalist, product designer, packaging designer, service system designer, service process analyst, creative director, sociopreneur.


Features and Uniqueness

Designpreneur Minor programs is interdisciplinary approaches that constructed from a set of courses from various study programs such as computer science, Visual Communication Design, Interior Design and Entrepreneurship that provide additional knowledge and skills (breadth competence) to complement the major / specific student outcomes.

Designpreneurs minor program implement project-based learning, problem-based learning which is carried out comprehensively and is supported by facilities such as creative class and computer laboratories. The learning will involve all students from different study programs to work together and contribute to design a business product and business service.


Group Course SCU
MKB ENTR6525032 Fundamental of Designpreneur 4
COMP6688031 UI/UX Development 4
DSGN6797034 Surface Packaging Design 4
ENTR6526032 Hospitality and Service Design 4
DSGN6843033 Project Design 4
Total SCU 20