
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi selalu memperbaharui kurikulum demi menjamin kualitas lulusan. Program studi kami terdiri dari 146 SKS yang terbagi dalam 8 semester. Salah satu kekuatan kami adalah kurikulum 2+1+1 yang menggabungkan 2 tahun masa studi di kampus, 1 tahun masa studi di kampus Binus kota lain (Mobility), dan 1 tahun program pengkayaan (Enrichment). Seluruh proses pembelajaran di Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi didukung oleh peralatan yang canggih, laboratorium dengan fasilitas terkini, dan keterlibatan praktisi industri demi menjamin relevansi materi perkuliahan. Berikut daftar kurikulum 2022 untuk Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi:

Course Structure


Group Course (Course Description) SCU
MPK CHAR6030012 Character Building: Pancasila 2
MKB COMM6655012 Introduction to Communication Science 2
MKK COMM6269012 Interpersonal Communication 4
COMM6270012 Psychology of Communication 2
MPB COMM6656012 Writing Fundamentals 2
COMM6313012 Public Speaking 4
COMM6470012 Philosophy and Ethics of Communication 2
MKB LANG6117012 Indonesian 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 20



Group Course (Course Description) SCU
MPK CHAR6031012 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2
MKB ENTR6519002 Entrepreneurship: Ideation 2
MKK STAT6211012 Statistics 2
COMM6674012 Organizational Communication and Professional Practice 4
COMM6491012 Political Communication 2
COMM6273012 Theory of Communication 4
COMM6276012 Intercultural Communication 4
Foreign Language Course 0
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 40



Group Course (Course Description) SCU
MPK CHAR6032012 Character Building: Agama 2
MKB ENTR6520002 Entrepreneurship: Prototyping 2
MKK COMM6675012 Communication Research Methodology 4
MKB COMM6676012 Contemporary Content Production 4
MPB COMM6677012 Society and Digital Culture 2
MKB COMM6678012 Communication Data and Technology 4
Foreign Language Courses 0
Total SCU 18
Cumulative SCU 58



Group Course (Course Desription) SCU
MKB ENTR6521002 Entrepreneurship: Market Validation 2
Stream: Digital Media Communication
MKB COMM6574012 Production Planning 4
COMM6500012 Creativity for Media Communication 2
COMM6575012 Current Issues in Communication 4
MDIA6054012 Creative Audio Visual 2
DSGN6801012 Motion Graphics 2
COMM6576012 Content Production 6
Stream: Mass Communication
MKB COMM6613019 Introduction to Media Industry 2
COMM6614019 Visual Design & Graphics 2/2
COMM6615019 Script Writing 2/2
COMM6409019 Editing for Multimedia 2/2
COMM6625019 Theory of Mass Communication 2
COMM6616019 Media Promotion & Marketing 2
COMM6617019 Media Convergence 2
Total SCU 22
Cumulative SCU 80



Group Course (Course Description) SCU
Stream: Strategic Digital Production 20
MKB COMM6533019 Creative Program Design 2/2
COMM6618019 Ethics and Audience in Creative Production 2
COMM6619019 Writing in Electronic Media & Editorial Review 2
COMM6620019 Online Publishing 2/2
COMM6624019 Digital Creative Content 2/2
COMM6609019 Digital Strategic Production 2/2
Stream: Creative Digital Broadcasting 20
MKB COMM6510019 Reportage & Interview Technique 2/2
COMM6621019 Ethics and Audience in Broadcasting Context 2
COMM6466019 Drama & Non-Drama Production 2
COMM6622019 Audio Journalism 2/2
COMM6410019 Digital Broadcasting Production 2/2
COMM6623019 Digital Journalism Production 2/2
MKB Multidisciplinary Stream 20
MKB Minor Program 20
MKB Free Electives3 20
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 100



Group Course SCU
MKB Enrichment Program I (Description) 20
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 120



Group Course SCU
MKB Enrichment Program II (Description) 20
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 140


Group Course SCU
MKB COMM6577012 Pre-Thesis 2
COMM6578012 Thesis 4
COMM6599012 Thesis 6
Total SCU 6
Cumulative SCU 146


Notes :

MKK = Mata kuliah Keilmuan & Ketrampilan (Science and Skill Course) 

MKB = Mata kuliah Keahlian Berkarya (Creative Expertise Course)

MPK = Mata kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (Personality Development Course)

MPB = Mata kuliah Perilaku Berkarya (Creative Behavior Course)

MBB = Mata kuliah Berkehidupan Bermasyarakat (Social Living Course)