Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
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Prof. Dr. Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, Ph.D.
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Johan, S.Kom., M.M., CDMS
Johan, S.Kom., M.M., CDMS
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Dr. Ir. Yohannes Kurniawan, S.Kom., S.E., MMSI.
Dr. Ir. Yohannes Kurniawan, S.Kom., S.E., MMSI.
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Dr. Elidjen, S.Kom., MInfoCommTech., CIP, CKM
Dr. Elidjen, S.Kom., MInfoCommTech., CIP, CKM
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Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, M.M.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, M.M.
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Dr. Nelly, S. Kom., M.M., CSCA,
Dr. Nelly, S. Kom., M.M., CSCA,
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Ubaidillah Nugraha, M.Ec., M.P.M.
Ubaidillah Nugraha, M.Ec., M.P.M.
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Dr. Suryadiputra Liawatimena, S.Kom., Pgdip.App.Sci.
Dr. Suryadiputra Liawatimena, S.Kom., Pgdip.App.Sci.
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Dr. Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan, S.E., M.M
Dr. Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan, S.E., M.M
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BINUS University actively engages in collaborations with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) through various initiatives. This collaboration encompasses student volunteering programs, research programs, and the development of educational resources. Noteworthy collaborations include:

  1. World Bank Forum Group Discussion: BINUS University collaborates with the World Bank through Forum Group Discussions. These discussions focus on topics such as tourism curriculum and housing stimulant assistance programs, indicating a commitment to address relevant issues through cooperative efforts.
  2. Health Institutions Research Program: BINUS University has established collaborations with health institutions for research programs. This initiative emphasizes the university’s dedication to contributing to advancements in the field of health through joint research efforts.

These collaborations underscore BINUS University’s commitment to fostering partnerships with NGOs to address societal challenges and contribute to sustainable development goals.

BINUS University, through its Research Technology team, actively collaborates with other universities, both from Indonesia and other countries. An example of this collaboration is the joint effort to publish the ICOBAR Paper in 2022. The theme of the paper is “Towards Sustainable Society: The Role of Technology and Human Development in the Post-Pandemic Era.” This collaborative initiative reflects BINUS University’s commitment to sharing knowledge and contributing to the development of sustainable practices in the context of technology and human development, especially in the post-pandemic era.

BINUS University actively engages in international collaborations and participates in various research initiatives with other universities, NGOs, and government entities. Here are examples of research projects conducted by BINUS University:

  1. Waste-to-Energy Supply Chain Management on Circular Economy Capability: An Empirical Study
    • This research focuses on investigating current waste-to-energy supply chain practices in Malaysia’s agriculture and agro-based industry. The study involves survey data collection to understand the enablers of waste-to-energy supply chain practices and their impact on Circular Economy Capability (CEC).
  2. Sustainable Social Supply Chain Practices and Firm Social Performance: Framework and Empirical Evidence
    • The research explores the relationship between sustainable social supply chain practices and firm social performance. A survey was conducted among manufacturing firms that have adopted sustainable social practices, resulting in 144 data sets. The findings highlight the challenges faced by manufacturing firms in achieving social fairness when adhering to sustainable production and distribution practices.

These research initiatives showcase BINUS University’s commitment to international collaboration and its contribution to advancing knowledge in areas related to waste-to-energy, circular economy, and sustainable social supply chain practices.

BINUS University actively engages in cross-sectoral dialogue about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through various initiatives and events. One notable event is the SDG Conference, which focuses on sustainable tourism, clean energy, and quality education. The conference features key speakers, including Mr. Bambang Soesatyo, the chairman of Parliament Indonesia.

Additionally, BINUS University plays a role in organizing the International Conference on Community Development (ICCD), which aims to establish a permanent multidisciplinary knowledge network for SDG implementation. Supported by BINUS and four other universities in Indonesia, ICCD features prominent speakers, contributing to discussions on global SDGs best practices.

Furthermore, BINUS University hosts an international webinar on community development in 2022, focusing on global SDGs best practices for empowering society. This initiative underscores BINUS’s commitment to fostering awareness and sharing knowledge on sustainable development.

AIESEC BINUS, a youth-driven organization, collaborates with local organizations, NGOs, and students to raise awareness about the SDGs in their daily lives. AIESEC’s initiatives align with BINUS University’s commitment to cross-sectoral dialogue and active participation in achieving the SDGs.

BINUS University actively engages in the development of national government SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) policies by providing a platform for discussion and expertise. This involvement includes:

  1. Expert Involvement: BINUS University experts have participated in discussions with the Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) to address sexual harassment cases and discuss the implementation of UU No. 12 tahun 2022.
  2. Strategic Collaboration: BINUS University collaborates strategically with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs to support cooperatives and SMEs, particularly in the field of entrepreneurship.
  3. Discussion Forum: BINUS University, in partnership with the Ministry of Investment, organized a webinar on “Indonesian Economic Diplomacy Towards Inclusive Sustainable Investment.” This webinar delves into the outcomes of President Jokowi’s visits to several countries in the East Asian region.

BINUS University actively engages in community outreach and education for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through various initiatives:

  1. Training for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): BINUS University, particularly through its Teach For Indonesia and Community Development teams, provides training to SMEs in Kampung Doyong. The aim of this program is to empower SMEs by enhancing their skills and addressing various challenges they may encounter while operating their businesses.
  2. Job Fair and Education Seminar: In collaboration with the Indonesian government, the Teach For Indonesia team organized a job fair and education seminar in 2022. This event focused on self-improvement for professional careers, providing valuable insights and opportunities for participants to enhance their skills and advance in their careers.
  3. Bimbingan Belajar (BIMBEL) Program: BINUS University collaborates with local government authorities to organize Bimbingan Belajar (BIMBEL) programs. These programs involve student volunteers who contribute by teaching elementary school and junior high school students. This initiative not only supports academic development but also fosters a sense of community and mentorship.

These community-focused activities demonstrate BINUS University’s commitment to extending educational opportunities and support to various segments of the wider community, contributing to the broader goals of sustainable development.

BINUS University demonstrates a proactive approach to sustainability education by offering specific courses and programs:

  1. Minor Program on Sustainable Development: BINUS University provides a dedicated minor program on “sustainable development.” This program is open to all students, with specific requirements for eligibility. The inclusion of a minor program emphasizes the university’s commitment to integrating sustainability principles across different study programs.
  2. Embedded Awareness and Introduction to SDGs: In some study programs, BINUS University has integrated awareness and introduction to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the core curriculum. For instance, the Food Technology study program incorporates curriculum design that aligns with SDGs, focusing on “Zero Hunger” and “Good Health and Well-Being.” This approach ensures that students in relevant disciplines are exposed to sustainability concepts from the outset.

These initiatives highlight BINUS University’s efforts to mainstream sustainability education, providing students with the opportunity to engage with and contribute to addressing global challenges outlined in the SDGs.

BINUS University demonstrates a strong commitment to providing meaningful education aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Several initiatives and programs reflect this commitment:

  1. SDG-Based Programs: BINUS University offers specific SDG-based programs, including “Sustainable Design and Manufacture,” “Digital for Sustainable Development,” and “Introduction to Sustainable Development.” These programs are integrated into undergraduate courses in disciplines such as Architecture, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Food Technology. Importantly, these programs are categorized as minor programs, allowing students from various disciplines to engage with SDG-related content.
  2. Enrichment Program – Community Development: BINUS University incorporates an enrichment program named “Community Development” as a mandatory component for all students. This program emphasizes the importance of community engagement and development, aligning with the principles of sustainable and inclusive growth.
  3. Entrepreneurship Course: All students at BINUS are required to take an entrepreneurship course. This course not only promotes entrepreneurial skills but also integrates aspects related to SDG 1 (No Poverty). This reflects a holistic approach to education that considers the broader socio-economic context.

These initiatives underscore BINUS University’s dedication to providing a well-rounded and meaningful education that incorporates sustainability principles and contributes to the achievement of SDGs.