Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and half biodiversity loss.


Dr. Suryadiputra Liawatimena, S.Kom., Pgdip.App.Sci.
Dr. Suryadiputra Liawatimena, S.Kom., Pgdip.App.Sci.
Related Goals
Muhammad Zacky Asy’ari, S.T., M.Sc.
Muhammad Zacky Asy’ari, S.T., M.Sc.
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THE - 2022

Ongoing Program: Pasir Mulya Tourism Village Sustainable Development in Bandung Regency

As part of the Binus Bangun Desa initiative, BINUS University is actively engaged in the sustainable development of Pasir Mulya Tourism Village in Bandung Regency. This ongoing program is designed to unlock the village’s potential through comprehensive educational activities. These include training sessions, seminars, and courses focused on preparing prospective workers in the tourism industry and local government officials. The educational components cover diverse areas such as hospitality, computer literacy, and language training.

Ad-hoc Initiative: Rebuilding Management for Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Tourism Object

BINUS University, in collaboration with the local community, has taken an ad-hoc approach to rebuilding the management team for the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) tourism object. This ad-hoc initiative reflects BINUS University’s commitment to actively contribute to the enhancement and sustainable development of tourism-related projects in collaboration with local communities.

BINUS University takes an active role in environmental education by involving students in various programs dedicated to protecting the environment. Through a collaborative synergy between the university, students, and local communities, several impactful activities have been initiated, including:

  1. Red Ginger Cultivation: Providing training and mentoring to the Banjardowo community to enhance their human resources and cultivate red ginger. This program not only promotes the cultivation of red ginger but also highlights its significance as a key ingredient in traditional herbal drinks (jamu) and as part of cultural heritage.
  2. Watershed Conservation: Engaging in activities aimed at conserving watersheds to protect vital water resources.
  3. Creative Actions Care for the Environment: Implementing creative initiatives to foster environmental care.

These initiatives manifest BINUS University’s unwavering commitment to environmental protection and demonstrate the university’s dedication to nurturing a generation of individuals who actively contribute to the well-being of the ecosystem.

BINUS University actively collaborates with local governments and other organizations to safeguard threatened ecosystems. This collaborative initiative underscores BINUS University’s commitment to biodiversity conservation. By working directly with external partners, the university contributes to the protection and preservation of local ecosystems that face imminent threats. This collaborative approach reflects BINUS University’s dedication to environmental stewardship and the broader goal of maintaining and enhancing biodiversity for the benefit of present and future generations.

In alignment with Rector’s Decree Number 136A (Part II, Point u), BINUS University takes a steadfast stance to ensure that all food served in campus-area tenants is sourced from sustainable farms or environments. This commitment is further reinforced through the vendor guideline (Page 5, Point 2.1.1 – No 11). By adhering to these policies, BINUS University underscores its dedication to promoting sustainability in the food supply chain, fostering responsible consumption practices, and contributing to a healthier and more environmentally conscious campus community.

BINUS University, in collaboration with Teach For Indonesia, takes proactive steps towards promoting the sustainable use of land through an annual planting program. While conservation initiatives are currently in the preparation phase, focusing on land preparation, the university actively engages in events aimed at utilizing open land sustainably. These activities, including tree planting, counseling sessions, and workshops, exemplify BINUS University’s dedication to cultivating a sustainable approach to land use. This collaborative effort with the community contributes to environmental conservation and fosters a sense of responsibility towards the land.

BINUS University, in collaboration with local communities, has initiated a noteworthy program titled “Ocean for Our Future.” This collaborative effort focuses on cleaning beach areas near the Alam Sutera Campus, demonstrating a commitment to environmental stewardship and shared responsibility for land ecosystems.

Key Features of the Program:

  1. Community Engagement: The program actively involves local communities, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the well-being of land ecosystems.
  2. Continuous Initiatives: “Ocean for Our Future” is not a one-time event but a continuous program, reflecting a sustained commitment to environmental conservation. The ongoing efforts aim to address environmental challenges and promote long-term ecosystem health.
  3. Expansion of Collaborations: BINUS University seeks to expand collaborations with more communities, inviting them to join hands in the shared mission of preserving and enhancing the land ecosystems in the surrounding areas.

Through collaborative initiatives like “Ocean for Our Future,” BINUS University exemplifies its dedication to community engagement, environmental sustainability, and the preservation of shared land ecosystems. This program serves as a testament to the university’s commitment to making a positive impact beyond its campus boundaries.

BINUS University is committed to minimizing the impact of alien species on its campuses, as outlined in Rector’s Decree No. 0136A, Part II, point v). The academic community at BINUS University recognizes the importance of preventing and controlling invasive alien species, considering it a shared responsibility.

Implementation Examples:

  1. Mosquito Control: BINUS University conducts periodic fogging throughout the entire campus area to proactively prevent mosquito breeding. This measure helps mitigate the impact of invasive mosquito species.
  2. Rat Infestation Prevention: Regular cleaning of storage rooms is carried out to eliminate conditions that could encourage rat nesting. This initiative aims to prevent the proliferation of invasive rat species on campus.
  3. Ferret Population Control: Ceilings are regularly checked and maintained to prevent the breeding of ferrets, contributing to the effective management of invasive species.

By enacting these measures, BINUS University actively contributes to maintaining the harmony of local ecosystems and reducing the impact of alien species on its campuses. This commitment underscores the university’s dedication to environmental sustainability and responsible stewardship.

BINUS University embraces a holistic approach to planning and development, ensuring the integration of local biodiversity considerations. In alignment with Rector’s Decree Number 136A (Part II, point O) emphasizing energy-saving initiatives, the university has strategically planned building upgrades for higher energy efficiency.

Key Features of BINUS University’s Sustainable Building Design:

  1. Wind Tunnel Infrastructure: All new buildings across campuses incorporate wind tunnels as an innovative air flow system. This not only enhances the overall energy efficiency of the structures but also directly contributes to electricity conservation by reducing the need for artificial lighting and air conditioning.
  2. Vertical Gardens and Green Spaces: The design philosophy for new buildings prioritizes the inclusion of vertical gardens and ample green spaces. This intentional incorporation of vegetation not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the campus but also fosters a conducive environment for local biodiversity.

By intertwining energy-saving measures with eco-friendly design elements, BINUS University is actively contributing to sustainable development and the preservation of local biodiversity in its planning and development endeavors.

BINUS University is dedicated to the identification, monitoring, and protection of red-listed and nationally designated conservation species. This commitment is encapsulated in the university’s policy, reflecting a proactive approach to safeguarding biodiversity. As part of this policy, BINUS University engages in activities focused on the protection of natural habitats, ecosystems, national parks, and other critical areas. This initiative underscores BINUS University’s role as vigilant guardians, contributing to the preservation of biodiversity and the well-being of conservation species.

BINUS University stands committed to playing an active role in the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems associated with the university. This commitment is enshrined in the university’s policy, as outlined in the Rector’s Decree No. 0136A (Part II, point t-w). As a tangible manifestation of this commitment, BINUS University has initiated collaborative efforts with local communities to restore the city forest in Jakarta. This reflects the university’s dedication to environmental stewardship and its proactive stance in contributing to the well-being of terrestrial ecosystems.

BINUS University is committed to responsible waste management, including the proper disposal of hazardous materials. The university has implemented a comprehensive policy within its eco-friendly campus rules to ensure the safe handling and disposal of waste materials. The key components of BINUS University’s hazardous waste disposal policy are outlined below:

  1. Waste Segregation Practices: Within the campus premises, a meticulous waste segregation system is in place. This involves the separation of waste into two primary categories—organic and inorganic.
  2. Inorganic Waste Categorization: Inorganic waste is further classified into two subcategories—hazardous and non-hazardous. This categorization ensures a targeted approach to the management of materials that may pose environmental risks.
  3. Hazardous Waste Management Protocols: Hazardous waste undergoes specialized management protocols to mitigate potential environmental and health risks. These protocols include safe storage, transportation, and disposal procedures to comply with regulatory standards.
  4. Final Waste Disposal: The final disposal of hazardous waste is conducted with precision. BINUS University follows specific processes to treat and neutralize hazardous materials, resulting in waste that meets safety standards. The treated waste is then appropriately posted and delivered to designated local waste facilities.

By adopting these waste management practices, BINUS University not only complies with environmental regulations but also prioritizes the well-being of the campus community and the surrounding ecosystem. The hazardous waste disposal policy reflects the university’s commitment to sustainability and underscores its role as a responsible steward of the environment.

BINUS University is dedicated to reducing its environmental footprint, particularly in the realm of plastic waste reduction. The university has implemented a series of policies and initiatives to foster a sustainable and eco-friendly campus environment:

  1. Paperless System Advocacy: BINUS University actively promotes a paperless system in its daily workplace operations. This initiative aims to significantly decrease paper usage, leading to a reduction in CO2 emissions and contributing to global environmental conservation.
  2. Reusable Paper Solutions in Back Office: In back-office settings, BINUS University encourages the use of reusable paper solutions. Practices include utilizing both sides of paper, conducting thorough data checks before printing, and prioritizing online systems over hard copies. These measures contribute to minimizing paper waste and promoting responsible resource use.
  3. “BINUS ASYIK TANPA PLASTIK” (BINUS IS FUN WITHOUT PLASTIC) Campaign: BINUS University has implemented the “BINUS ASYIK TANPA PLASTIK” project, aligning with the key objectives of Sustainable Development Programs focusing on “Waste Plastic Pollution.” This campaign underscores the university’s commitment to reducing plastic usage and addressing the challenges associated with plastic pollution.
  4. Community Empowerment for Plastic Waste Reduction: BINUS University extends its commitment beyond campus boundaries by empowering local communities to reduce plastic usage. One notable initiative involves educating small communities on dissolving plastic waste using pyrolysis tools, emphasizing the importance of responsible waste management.

These multifaceted initiatives showcase BINUS University’s holistic approach to plastic waste reduction, encompassing internal operations, community outreach, and innovative solutions. The university’s dedication to eco-friendly practices aligns with its broader commitment to sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

BINUS University places a strong emphasis on preventing and reducing pollution, especially from land-based activities, as outlined in its comprehensive environmental policy. Key components of this commitment include:

  1. Wastewater Treatment: BINUS University operates a domestic wastewater treatment plant (IPAL – Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah) to effectively treat wastewater generated on campus.
  2. Recycling Wastewater: The treated wastewater is recycled for various purposes, contributing to sustainable water management. This recycled water is utilized for irrigation, specifically watering grass areas, exemplifying a practice of Up-Cycling.
  3. Reserved Water Resources: The recycled water is directed to infiltration wells, creating a reserve of water resources with a capacity of 15 m3/day (average). This demonstrates BINUS University’s commitment to maximizing the utility of treated wastewater for responsible water use.
  4. Environmental Evaluation and Monitoring: BINUS University maintains an Environmental Evaluation Document and holds permission from the environmental agency of the government. Regular monitoring and evaluation reports are conducted every six months to assess and ensure the quality of water.

By implementing these measures, BINUS University not only adheres to stringent water discharge guidelines and standards but also actively contributes to sustainable water management practices. This commitment reflects the university’s dedication to environmental responsibility and the promotion of eco-friendly campus operations.