KREKON DKV Binus Malang

Welcome to the extraordinary squad of KREKON!
The word KREKON is taken from the acronym “Creative Content”, which is a creative content team from the Binus Malang Visual Communication Design Study Program.
We are thrilled to introduce our team, a group of passionate individuals who are dedicated to unleashing creativity and inspiring innovation of our college community. We are the driving force behind our major visually captivating social media and visually appealing communication materials.
From documenting our official events to creating captivating visuals for DKV’s social media, our team embraces the opportunity to make a lasting impact on our college community.
We’re craving growth, and constantly exploring new techniques, tools, and technologies. With access to design software and resources, our team members constantly expand their skill sets and push the boundaries of their creativity. Our team is always ready to tackle new things.
KREKON squads are proud to have a team that inspires, challenges, and elevates our college’s creative endeavors.