Lack Of Consistency In Some Branding In Malang

Branding itself is the identity and values used to identify a product or service from a company or individual. In this effort, of course, it is able to display the main characteristics that stand out from the brand and these main characteristics must be the same in every display that displays the brand such as logos, packaging, brochures, posters, and other design consistently (about brand consistency). According to in 2024 in an article entitled “Pentingnya Konsistensi Branding di Seluruh Platform Media Sosial” Brand consistency itself is able to create a strong brand identity, build consumer trust and loyalty, increase brand recognition, and increase brand value.

However, behind all these benefits, there are still brands that have not implemented brand consistency, especially local brands from Malang city one of which is Natuna.brand in Malang. Natuna itself is a company engaged in the service sector, which here is a driving teaching service. Natuna itself in carrying out branding seems to be trying to display elements that display modern and professional elements. This can be seen from the logo which looks simple and not full. This can be seen from the logo in the form of an emblem and the logo font or writing looks simple. In addition, the logo also wants to display a strong element with the logo font given a bold font while the emblem logo uses a Shield and crown.

But this is in contrast to their Instagram feed which tends to be messy impressed as long as it sticks) ( as if it does not display any elements of professionalism at all. posts on Natuna itself tend not to have good thumbnails because some short thumbnails are unable to display the contents of the video so they look like random posts (the thumbnails are dark thumbnails). even so, there are still some posts that have a visual hierarchy, appropriate characteristics and good thumbnails, but the number is still very minimal and needs to be added again.

Furthermore, branding inconsistency is also seen from the existence of irrelevant posts with Natuna’s business as a driving course, namely the existence of posts of their employees who are bonding by doing family gathering activities. Although the goal is to promote the brand’s hospitality, posts like this do not even display a single promo or other information related to Natuna’s driving course, which of course will cause several misunderstandings related to this brand which could be thought of as a social community.

The problem of brand inconsistency is also seen from Natuna which has several Instagrams that are very different in terms of neatness and characteristics. There are several Instagrams that are quite messy in terms of feeds including the main Instagram account discussed above (known because this account has the most followers and is a recommendation from Google). on the other hand, there is a second social media account that has a profile photo that is not a logo but a photo of a parked car but so it looks like it is not an account for a business (accounts for businesses usually display logo photos in their profile photos can be seen from several big brands such as Fed Ex, McD, etc.) even though it has a better appearance in terms of post feeds. If there is no dark thumbnail, posts tend to have a good visual hierarchy, and photography tends to be better than the main account.even so, in the second account there are still some posts that do not have good contrast so that the writing is less readable (this can also be called a form of inconsistency of professional characteristics because actions like this show a form of carelessness).

For the next example, I take the 13-flavor chicken noodle brand. 13-flavor chicken noodle is a spicy chicken noodle brand that has 13 flavors in it which can be said to be experimental and scattered. From the logo, you can also get a modern impression from the logo that is made simply. In addition, you can also get an energetic and youthful impression, especially from the bold and pointed font and the colors that tend to be bright and bold.

However, inconsistencies occur especially in terms of the impression of variations that are not emphasized. This can be seen from the posts of bledek noodles on social media which tend to have the same color, the same appearance, and the contents that tend to be similar without any particular variations. In addition, the element of 13 flavor variants is also not emphasized in its promotional video, and focuses more on only a few products so that indirectly this brand eliminates their unique selling point.

There is no doubt that energetic young people are also somewhat underemphasized in the promotion of this brand, especially on social media, even though the delivery and music are appropriate. The emphasis itself is very lacking in terms of video transitions which tend not to have any transitions in the video (the transition in question is the transition between videos in one content). In addition, the lack of play in fonts and colors is also an obstacle (without color, the energetic element is less pronounced and it only feels that the mie bledek post is too flat and not thick enough like the logo).

The element of youth is also less emphasized in place. Young people themselves usually hang out with young people their age, but the place provided by mie bledek itself tends to be less spacious. In addition, the place they have is also lacking in terms of modernization due to the lack of neatness (this can be seen the kitchen is messy even though it is still clean, and scattered cables) the modern impression is also less displayed in the video. This can be seen from the arrangement of the hierarchical font which is still less pronounced in several videos (eliminating the element of neatness). It can be said that these are only 2 of the brands in Malang that are lacking in branding. Actually, there are still many local brands that lack brand consistency and make their brands drift away from the impressions they want to display so that the brand cannot enter the consumer’s head with strong and appropriate characteristics that will reduce trust in the brand so that it can reduce overall brand sales.


literature review

Link IG : account 1 of natuna:

account 2 of natuna :

account mie ayam bledeg 13 rasa :


By Sebastian Keane – 2702223203