Exhibition “Sunib Design Frontier” BINUS @Malang

BINUS @Malang students who are members of the Sunib Design Frontier (SDF) held the First Exhibition which was held on 23-25 May 2023 at the BINUS @Malang Lobby. This exhibition displays student illustration works outside of lecture hours in order to channel interest in the field of illustration. SDF Initiated by several students who were looking for a location and atmosphere that supports drawing for assignments, work or just for fun, it was agreed to do it regularly every weekend at the library, starting March 4 2023. Carrying the local spirit of Malang, using the name SDF, Sunib Drawing Frontier, a drawing club that can be joined by all Binusians across grades and majors.
Over time, the number of students increased, exceeding 20 people in one meeting, so they needed a more adequate location, therefore the weekly gathering activities borrowed a drawing room at the baseman. Until mid-May 2023, there were more than 30 members (who were and are still actively participating in activities).
To make the activity more useful, some students voluntarily share tips with the hope that they can add insight to other friends. While activities in general, each student carries out their respective activities interspersed with discussions or jokes. Other activities planned to add to the excitement such as relay pictures, battles, or light games, are only about 1 hour so that there is still time to do each other’s activities. Future plans will try to embrace alumni and establish relationships with campuses or other communities, and will certainly continue to show works in various ways such as exhibitions on onset (such as the inaugural exhibition on 23-25 May 2023 at Binus Malang) and online with Instagram @SunibDrawingFrontier as a line front of work communication.
This exhibition was also visited by Prof. Harjanto Prabowo, Chancellor of BINUS University. Prof. Harjanto gave high appreciation for the club and exhibition initiated by these students. The SDF also presented a work of appreciation to the Chancellor in the form of a face painting made by an SDF member.