Fransiscus Handrianto – Portfolio

Digital Comic “Jaka Budug”
Behind the many foreign entertainment media consumed by teenagers, there are Indonesian folklore that is buried by stories from abroad. This is caused by the imbalance between the import of graphic products from abroad and the publication of Indonesian folklore. In response to this, a digital comic of Jaka Budug’s story was designed on the webtoon to increase the interest of the younger generation in Indonesian folklore. The selection of fantasy genre stories with modern visuals is applied to suit the tastes of teenagers. The design of the characters and the environment in the comics will be taken from the Mataraman East Javanese culture following the origin of the Jaka Budug story itself. In telling the story, this comic will be divided into 3 chapters equipped with supporting media in the form of an art book, Instagram posts, posters, and x banners.