Viscelia Amanda Sudharmanto – Portfolio

Comic Strip for Sexual Education Media

In recent times, many cases of sexual violence have made the atmosphere in the world
of education in Indonesia not conducive. This shows the lack of public awareness,
especially students, about sexual harrassment. In order to increase awareness, a
project was created that aims to analyze a person’s perception of sexual harassment
forms, and apply principles and design elements in visual communicationworks so that
awareness dissemination becomes more effective. The method used is a quantitative
system with the results of respondents agreeing that sexual harassment in college
continues to increase and often occurs in daily life, some forms of sexual harrasement
in can be in form of touching on the shoulders, hand, waist etc, catcalling, body
shamming, sensitive jokes and much more. Respondents also agreed tat spreading
awareness using stories with comic strip as a media was also effective.