Tifani Alpa Hadinata – Portfolio

Virtual Youtuber – Dewiragirakku Ningsih
Learning activities carried out during COVID-19 through online methods. The
amount of information received can trigger social fatigue marked by anger, irritation
and need for entertainment. Youtube is one of the entertainment media that is often
accessed, currently there is a trend of Virtual Youtuber or Vtuber from Japan, Vtuber
is an online entertainer that uses 2D/3D fictional characters that are operated through
face tracking. Wayang Topeng Malang is a dance and mask art typical of Malang that
tells the story of Raden Panji Asmorobangun, so that the Vtuber character design
media can be a medium to introduce Malang Wayang Topeng art. The methods used
are qualitative methods and design thinking methods by interviewing expert sources
in this field.