Academic Resource Center  (ARC)

The ARC is a support unit for curriculum, materials and e-learning development. It collaborates with all faculties to develop competence-based curricula in line with market conditions, and prepares study materials that facilitate the study-teach process for both professors and students. It is also the backbone for the development of Multi Channel Learning, an e-learning application at BINUS @Malang, and creates study modules that use interactive multimedia technology that enables BINUSIANS to study whenever and wherever they like, in a fun environment.

Lecturer Resource Center (LRC)

The Lecturer Resource Center supports lecturers’ activities. It includes Academic Post Level Administration, collecting data Competency Profiling Lecturers, and evaluate lecturers perfomance to support Development Plan for lecturers at BINUS @Malang.

The goals of LRC:

  • Ensure excellent operational process for all stakeholders
  • To give excellent services and information for lecturers

LRC services include:

  • Providing Information for lecturers
  • Providing data Competency Profiling lecturers for performance and competencies
  • Providing strategy in building teaching capabilities
  • Giving consultation regarding Teaching and academic performance issues
  • Administrating data and documentation that related to academic promotion & FM qualification
  • Provide, maintain, and ensure the reliable data related to Lecturer Management