Program Interactive Design and Technology mempersiapkan lulusan untuk memiliki pengetahuan Sistem informasi dan kemampuan desain komunikasi visual yang mumpuni untuk merancang dan menghasilkan solusi kreatif dan inovatif dalam produk interaksi digital.

  1. Able to create printed and digital visual communication design work that has added value and aesthetics, to overcome identity problems, mass communication, and competition problems by stakeholders.
  2. Able to conduct research and idea exploration to set the objectives, communication target, and Visual Communication Design prototype solutions that can overcome identity problems, mass communication, and considering the ethical, history, cultural, social consequences, and regulations.
  3. Able to analyze level of material utilization efficiency and time in the production process of each selected alternative solution prototype of Visual Communication Design, without changing the essence and aesthetic design.
  4. Able to communicate Visual Communication Design prototype alternative solutions independently or groups in verbal form, graphical, written, and communicative models with analog or digital techniques by selected appropriate communication rules.
  5. Able to build a business in visual communication field.
  6. Able to function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  7. Each student should be able to communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  8. Each student should be able to analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  9. Each student should be able to design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  10. Each student should be able to recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  11. Each student should be able to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems within an information systems environment.
  12. Each student should be able to develop good UI & UX design to support IS Development.
  13. Each student should be able to apply interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in developing alternative solutions for problem-solving.
  • Pendaftar harus bersedia melakukan mobility ke kampus Jakarta untuk mengikuti mata kuliah yang berkaitan dengan sistem informasi
  • Lulus tes menggambar

Calon mahasiswa yang tertarik pada Prodi Interactive Design and Technology dapat berasal dari latar belakang IPA, IPS, SMK memiliki minat dalam dunia teknologi dan desain visual.

Prospek Karir Lulusan Interactive Design and Technology

  1. Digital Business Specialist
  2. System Analyst
  3. System developer
  4. Information system consultant
  5. UI Designer
  6. UX Researcher
  7. Creative Director
  8. Human Computer Interaction Designer
  9. Entrepreneur

Program Interactive Design and Technology secara khusus mempersiapkan calon lulusan dengan kemampuan menganalisis dan merancang sistem informasi meliputi perancangan user interface dan user experience sesuai perkembangan teknologi. Metode pembelajaran dalam program akan lebih banyak menekankan pada penggunaan case-based learning dan menggunakan workshop studio agar calon lulusan dapat mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan melalui kasus dan proyek yang melibatkan tantangan dan masalah yang ada di dunia kerja sehingga memiliki kompetensi yang siap digunakan secara professional.