Co Author : Juan Christian H (2201771702) – DKV 2022

Experimental Fonts are Fonts that are created in the presence of an object that is combined to form an alphabet or a font that is made difficult to read depending on the perspective of the reader. Experimental This font does not have rules like fonts in general that must be easy to read. This font also has a free and broad form. Usually this experimental font is used according to the font needs to form a work such as posters, book covers, etc. The difference between Experimental fonts and decorative fonts is that if the experimental fonts, most of the fonts are not similar in terms of shape, they can even be sized and usually, while decorative fonts usually have similar shapes but have additional images / visuals and are still readable.

In the experimental font task given this time I chose the Techno font theme. With the development of increasingly advanced technology at the moment I am thinking of doing a font experiment with the theme Technology. I think this theme is very interesting because when I search on Google the techno font category that comes out is only the modified futura fonts and geometric fonts. The experimental font that I created came from the basic geometric shapes that are combined into a font. The basic shapes that I use are Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Circle and with the help of Outline shapes, lines and some additional ornaments can make this font look like a font that can represent technology. This font is used not only for posters about Technology, this font can also be used for music posters such as the EDM music genre and the Techno music genre that uses digital remixed instruments and electro musical instruments. The type of font that I use as a form template from the alphabet is a san serif called AXIS Font Bold.

For the color selection in this experimental font I chose striking colors and neon colors like Pink, Purple, Light Blue, Dark Blue and Yellow. I also use gradients on some shapes with the color Blue to purple like the color on Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is a science fiction subgenre that describes the state of dystopia accompanied by the use of high-level technology. Cyberpunk stories generally occur in the future not far from the present and in it are found many elements of film noir as well as figures and elements such as hackers, large companies, and artificial intelligence. The Experimental Font that I make also has a little bit to do with Cyberpunk because in my opinion Cyberpunk is a fictional subgenre but illustrates such sophisticated technology.


The poster that I created is a simple poster that shows the next generation of technology in 2020. Here I just include a few outlines visually the technology that is booming again in 2019 is XR. Extended Reality (XR) is a general term that encompasses several new and developing technologies that are used to create a deeper digital experience. More specifically, this refers to virtual reality, augmented, and mixed. One example is Virtual Reality (VR). From 2020, expect all that will change, as businesses try to deal with the many exciting possibilities offered by the two forms of XR today. Virtual and augmented reality will become increasingly common for training and simulations, and offer new ways to interact with customers.

The Second is 5G Data Network, The first 5G network to launch in South Korea. 5th generation mobile internet connectivity will give us super fast download and upload speeds and a more stable connection. While the 5G cellular data network is available for the first time in 2019, most of it is still expensive and limited to function in limited areas or big cities. 2020 is likely to be the year when 5G really starts flying, with more affordable data packages and far better coverage, meaning everyone can join in the fun.
The poster color concept that I use is the same as the color concept in the font, I raised the Cyber theme. For the title of the article I have two, there is actually The Next Generation of Technology, but I give a language that looks slang and more simple, namely “Next Gen Techno” and there are only with Techno Posts that use Experimental fonts that look more simple and sufficient to illustrate the purpose and purpose of the poster.