In self-learning, prioritizing tasks is crucial for effective time management. The vast array of knowledge and skills to be acquired can be overwhelming, making it essential to identify which areas require more focus and time investment. 

Start by assessing the overall scope of your learning objectives. Break down these objectives into smaller, manageable tasks. For instance, if your goal is to master web development, divide this broad topic into subcategories like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. 

Once you have a list of tasks, prioritize them based on various factors like their relevance to your end goal, difficulty level, or prerequisites required for advanced topics. It’s often beneficial to tackle foundational subjects first, as these will provide the groundwork for more complex areas. For example, a solid grasp of basic programming concepts is essential before delving into advanced software development. 

Prioritizing also involves recognizing tasks that offer the greatest return on investment. If certain skills or knowledge areas are more likely to bring you closer to your career or personal goals, allocate more time to these. This doesn’t mean ignoring less critical topics, but rather giving more attention to the most impactful ones. 

It’s important to remain flexible. As you progress in your learning journey, you might find some areas more challenging or more relevant than initially thought. Be prepared to reassess and adjust your priorities accordingly. 

Effective prioritization ensures that your efforts are focused and aligned with your learning objectives. It helps you to make the most of your time and resources, ensuring that every hour spent studying takes you a step closer to your goals.