Watching and imitating native speakers is an effective strategy for improving spoken language skills, complementing the audio resources provided by Beelingua. This method involves observing native speakers in various settings, such as interviews, lectures, or casual conversations, and then attempting to mimic their way of speaking. 

This practice helps learners to pick up on subtle aspects of the language, such as intonation, stress patterns, and natural speech rhythms. By imitating native speakers, learners can work on reducing their accent and improving their pronunciation to sound more natural and fluent. 

Additionally, this approach exposes learners to a range of linguistic expressions, idiomatic phrases, and cultural references, enhancing their understanding and ability to use the language in context. Observing how native speakers use body language and facial expressions in communication can also be highly beneficial, as these non-verbal cues are an integral part of effective communication. 

Learners can use a variety of resources for this practice, including online videos, TV shows, movies, or podcasts. Repeating phrases or dialogues after the speakers, and recording oneself to compare, can accelerate the learning process. This method not only improves spoken language skills but also enhances listening comprehension. Regularly watching and imitating native speakers is a valuable addition to language learning routines. It bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, providing learners with the tools they need to speak the language more naturally and confidently.