While Beelingua offers foundational practice in listening, grammar, reading, and basic sentence construction, immersive conversation practice is essential for developing fluency in speaking. Engaging in real-time conversations with native speakers provides an invaluable opportunity to apply and reinforce the skills acquired through Beelingua. Platforms like iTalki or Tandem allow learners to connect with native speakers, facilitating a deep dive into practical language use. These platforms offer a realistic linguistic environment, enabling learners to practice everyday scenarios, understand colloquialisms, and get accustomed to diverse accents and dialects. 

Language ‘meetups’ and clubs can also serve as excellent supplements to Beelingua. These groups often conduct events or casual gatherings, offering a relaxed and supportive setting for learners to practice speaking. Interacting with a group enhances conversational skills, teaches the art of listening and responding appropriately, and exposes learners to a variety of speaking styles and topics. Additionally, these social interactions can offer insights into cultural nuances, further enriching the language learning experience.