In this pandemic era, almost all of the things are done virtually, including a presentation. Have you done an online presentation before? What do you feel every after doing a presentation? Not satisfied? Your audiences do not respond to your questions? Talking to your laptop, not people? Feeling alone and unmotivated? If so, you need to keep reading this article to find out how to make your presentation interactive and engaging.

Before discussing further about how to boost your virtual presentation, I want to ask you, “How do you prepare yourself before the presentation?” Think about what you have already done. After knowing that you are going to give a presentation about a certain topic, what do you usually do next? Design the content of your presentation, then, create a PowerPoint? Choose the best visual tools to beautify your presentation? Take a brief moment to reflect on what you usually do before your virtual presentation. After contemplating, you can continue reading the next paragraph.

To build a great presentation, firstly, you need to know how to speak with your audiences and who those audiences will be. Study your anticipated audiences. Profiling your audiences by finding their background information, such as age range, job role, gender, interest, and so on. That information will decide the tone of your presentation. Secondly, you need to know the purpose of your presentation and decide the desired impact that you want. What do you expect from your audiences after listening to your presentation? At last, in order to achieve the goal of your presentation, you need to deploy visual aids to improve the quality as well as the impact of your virtual presentation. What are they? Let’s find out in the next article!

Keep learning & Keep growing!