Loan Words of English to Indonesian language #2
As in the previous article introduces about loan words of English to Indonesia, there are some examples of levy loan words from English include ‘try out’ which is absorbed by the word ‘trial’, ‘background’ which is absorbed by ‘background’, ‘download’ which is absorbed by ‘unduh’ and many other loan words. In its history, the British have occupied Indonesia even though for a short time. The entry of the British into Indonesia has also indirectly affected the speaking of the existing language. In addition, English is also an international language used by the whole world to communicate. That way it is very easy for English speakers to be accepted and absorbed by Indonesian speakers.
Many words in English are also borrowed from other languages, especially Latin and Greek. In this case, Indonesian also absorbs directly from the original language without going through English. There are separate rules in how to absorb an Indonesian vocabulary. For example, in English a word containing ‘oo’, the pronunciation and writing changes to ‘u’ in Indonesian. for example: ‘cartoon’ in Indonesian is absorbed into ‘kartun’.
Account -> akun
Card -> kartu
-> homofon
Marginal -> marjinal
Activist -> aktivis
Design -> desain
-> homograf
Mascot -> maskot
Actor -> aktor
Diagnose -> diagnosa
Homonym -> homonim
-> negosiasi
Acupuncture -> akupuntur
-> disertasi
-> inovasi
-> nuansa
Bomb -> bom
Erotic -> erotik
-> insektisida
Nuclear -> nuklir
Book -> buku
Ethnic -> etnik
Instant -> instan
-> obsesi
Boss -> bos
Evacuation -> evakuasi
Juice -> jus
Okay -> oke
Calm -> kalem
Fermentation -> fermentasi
Keeper -> kiper
Pen -> pena
Campus -> kampus
Fashion -> fesyen
-> lanskap
Pencil -> pensil
Cancer -> kanker
Feminine -> feminin
-> legislative
Quality -> kualitas
Quantity -> kuantitas
-> skema
Science -> sains
Villa -> vila
Relax -> rileks
Sceptic -> skeptis | Unique -> unik
Zone -> zona
Renovation -> renovasi
Taboo -> tabu
Unisex -> unisex
-> verifikasi
Relation -> relasi
Taxi -> taksi
Verandah -> beranda
-> teknologi
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