Dealing with Covid-19 pandemic in a long time seems quite stressful for some people. The restriction drives many people into their frustration who are accustomed to do the activities Normally. This, off course leads people into their negative state of mind which is not good for their health mental. According to Psychologist, Muhammad Chalid, S.Psi., M.M ., a person’s physical condition is closely related to his psychological state. “Psychic has a very big influence (on immunity). In the medical world, when we talk about psychology, it has to do with digestion because our minds are constantly burdened with unsolved things and problems. So, when these problems pile up, our immune system automatically reduce.”, as he said in the Youtube Channel of National Board of Disaster. In fact, when the mental health is not properly maintained, it will result in a bad condition eventually. To prevent those matters to happen, here are three steps on how to maintain positive states of mind: 

1.Think that Covid-19 really exists.

The condition we are facing now happens in other countries as well. We must open our mind that we are not alone in facing this pandemic. The feeling of togetherness among people in the world in facing this pandemic will bring us into the positive state of mind. 

2.Pandemic will be over 

Pandemic comes in a very short of time and spread around the world. Indeed, it is something horrible to witness. There are many ways to overcome it, one of them is by vaccination program. Through this vaccination, it is hoped that the herd immunity among society will rise as the number of people getting vaccinated increased. Thus, it can be an answer that the pandemic will be over soon. 

3.Take your schedule to do physical activities. 

Doing physical activity before work can keep our mind. For example, before working from home (WFH) in the morning, we can leave the house for a while to breathe fresh air. In addition, don’t forget to adjust your working time while at WFH. Don’t let your working time at home be excessive, and even disturb your mind. 

 Those are the tips to stay positive during pandemic. In addition, consuming vitamin will also help us in staying healthy.