Co Author : Felik Sundoro (2201787934) – DKV 2022

Font is one element in a landing page that has a very important role. With the font of a landing page it becomes more character and people who read it become more comfortable. So that the message you want to convey can be received through the subconscious of the reader. Therefore the choice of type, size and color of a font cannot be arbitrary. Abroad, a landing page maker really pays attention and takes into account the selection of this font. Customization with the character of the landing page reader. Whereas in Indonesia, especially beginner online businesses, sometimes all marketing processes from research to making landing pages are done alone. So that many do not know about small things but have a big impact like this font selection.

A serif font is a type of font that has hooks, hooks or shoes at each end. In the world of typography is often referred to as Counterstroke which serves to facilitate reading a sentence or text.
Examples of these serif fonts include Times New Roman, Garamond, and Georgia.

Sans Serif
The sans serif font is the opposite of the serif font. If the serif font has shoes, hooks or hooks, the sans serif font doesn’t have one. This sans serif font has a firmer and more modern nature than serif fonts. Examples of sans serif fonts include Arial, Tahoma, Century Gothic, and so on.

Script / handwriting
Script font or handwriting is a type of font that looks more natural and elegant. One of the striking features of this script or handwriting font is that such as handwriting and calligraphy.

Serif Slab
Slab serif fonts are fonts that have shoes, hooks or hooks, which give the impression of writing from a typewriter.

Decorative fonts. There are also those who call it display fonts and ornamental fonts. Decorative font types have irregular characteristics, are rather difficult to read and are not suitable when used as a body.

Experimental font is a type of font that contains experimental elements which are not bound by rules.

Concept of A Triangle Font:

A triangle is the name of a shape made from three sides in the form of a straight line and three angles. The mathematician Euclid who lived around 300 BC found that the sum of the three angles on a triangle on a flat plane was 180 degrees. This allows us to calculate the magnitude of one angle when the other two angles are known.

A circle is a set of all points on a plane that is the same distance from a fixed point on that plane. The fixed point of the circle is called the center of the circle, while the distance from a point on the circle to the center is called the radius of the circle.

Lines are geometric shapes drawn by a moving point. The line has only one dimension, which is length

The experimental font concept that I created is a combination of two shapes of space, namely right triangle and circle, and line. Fonts that are formed from two shapes and shapes and lines look simple and unique. The font that I made is about space. The font color used is white

The concept of the poster that will make it adjust to the theme of the font that I made is outer space. The poster I will make is the event poster, which contains a vector of earth and sky in the space, a little writing. The contents of the poster tell that April 22, 2020 is Earth Day. Invite people to celebrate earth day.