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About Us

The Creativepreneurship Program is a study program under BINUS Business School Undergraduate Program that addresses creativity needs and entrepreneurships. Align with International accreditation achievement through AACSB since 2020. The Program prioritizes the quality of the teaching and learning process align with Student Outcomes needed by Stakeholders.
As the world’s largest business education alliance, AACSB International (AACSB) connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. Founded in 1916, AACSB is the longest-serving global accrediting body for business schools, and the largest business education network connecting students, educators, and businesses worldwide. AACSB International (AACSB) announces that BINUS Business School at Bina Nusantara University has earned accreditation.
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Fostering and Empowering through global community development and sustainable innovation.


Living Lab

Exploring industry by company visits to inspire 1st year students.
Living Lab

Manawa Festival

An annual business festival held for 2nd year students provides prototyping for their businesses.
Manawa Festival

Business Pitch

3rd year students learns to seeking funding, attracting customers, or forging strategic partnerships.
Business Pitch

Monev SRL

An attractive application for monitoring students' business guided by coach to measure Start-up Readiness Level.
Monev SRL

Faculty Members

Faculty Members list of Entrepreneurship Department.
Faculty Members

International & Expert Guest Lectures

International and Local Partnership.

International & Expert Guest Lectures

Study Abroad

International Students.
Study Abroad


Alumni Entrepreneurship Department.


  • Mathew Hawk Elniko

    CEO of Atmes My name is Mathew Hawk Elniko, I’am an alumni of Bina Nusantara University Class of 2022 Majoring Creativepreneurship, I studied for 4 years. I got a lot of lessons while studying at Bina Nusantara, not only lessons but mentoring about the business we are in. the mentors are very detailed and very patient in guiding […]
  • Lukitanto Hans Gunawan

    Hi, I’m Lukitanto Hans Gunawan, alumni of Binus Bandung, Creativepreneurship Department. I am proud to be able to study at Binus and graduate in 3.5 years. Lecturers and coaches at Binus have helped my business grow because of their knowledge, support, and input. Tentu, creativity itu ada ilmunya!
  • Josef Janner

    @JJ_Auto_Rent & Josef Janner My name is Josef Janner, I’m an alumni of Bina Nusantara University @Bandung Class of 2023, majoring Creativepreneurship. Being Creativepreneurship program best graduate, I express my gratitude to Bina Nusantara University @Bandung, which has provided all the knowledge and expertise to build my credibility as a professional enterpreneur. BINUS has unique program that create young […]
  • Mustika Ghiarchy Mahasanggita

    GRC PRODUCTION My name is Mustika Ghiarchy Mahasanggita, I’m an alumni of Bina Nusantara University Class of 2022 Majoring Creative Preneurship. I studied only for 3.5 years because with a lot of help from the campus and lecturers who provide useful knowledge about business. Even after graduating, I got a job fairly easily while building a business […]
  • Valeska Alief Suwastika

    Founder of Palugada Streetwear I am Valeska Alief Suwastika and I am Alumni of Creativepreneurship study program at Bina Nusantara University Bandung in 2023. I am Founder of Palugada Streetwear. I got a good experience when studying in Creativepreneurship because I got a complete curriculum and practice that helped me to build and develop my business.
  • Kevin Diosyach Ardo

    Founder Yorigo Kohi Coffee Shop After I took a lecture at Creativepreneurship which was practice-based, especially on the enrichment track, it was very helpful in building a business for both MSMEs and large businesses. Business is not just developing, but also innovations and other things that make every business have “value” to develop and compete.
  • Samantha Abella

    Alumni & Master’s Degree at University Canada West My name is Samantha Abella, I’m an  alumni of Bina Nusantara University Bandung majoring in Business Creativepreneurship 2021. I can confidently say that my experience was exceptional, the well-rounded curriculum and practical approach of the faculty helped me to develop a deep understanding of the business world and prepared me for the challenges of Entrepreneurship. […]
  • Agung Pratama Putra Ardianto

    Owner - Berawal Coffee Hi, my name is Agung Pratama Putra Ardianto, I am a student at Binus University Bandung 2022. The positive impression when I studied at Binus University majoring in creativepreneurship, I gained a lot of knowledge to run the business that I was building. besides that, in the creativepreneurship, we can also apply the knowledge that […]

    Owner - TF Cleaner Kesan : The experience of studying in the Creativepreneurship program is very fun, especially for those who really want to start a business, because in Creativepreneurship itself we are required to create our own business and the tasks given are related or one linear with the business that will be run, so during the study […]





Calendar Academic


Awal Kuliah Semester Ganjil 2023/2024 (11 September 2023)


  • Keamanan Cyber dalam Bisnis dan Tantangan Era Digital

             Di era digital yang semakin terhubung ini, Keamanan cyber telah menjadi salah satu isu paling krusial dalam era digital saat ini, tidak terkecuali dalam dunia bisnis. Dengan semakin meningkatnya ketergantungan perusahaan terhadap teknologi digital, perlindungan terhadap data dan sistem menjadi lebih penting daripada sebelumnya. Ancaman dari serangan cyber yang kompleks dan […]
    Keamanan Cyber dalam Bisnis dan Tantangan Era Digital
  • Energi Bersih dan Terjangkau di Indonesia: Tantangan dan Peluang

             Energi bersih dan terjangkau adalah impian bagi banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia, yang kaya akan sumber daya alam. Dengan populasi yang terus bertumbuh dan kebutuhan energi yang semakin meningkat, Indonesia dihadapkan pada tantangan besar untuk mengalihkan penggunaan energi fosil ke energi terbarukan. Namun, di balik tantangan tersebut, terdapat peluang besar untuk menciptakan […]
    Energi Bersih dan Terjangkau di Indonesia: Tantangan dan Peluang
  • Apa Strategi Terbaik untuk Menjaga Hubungan Baik dalam Situasi Professional

         Strategi terbaik untuk menjaga hubungan baik dalam situasi profesional melibatkan beberapa langkah penting. Berikut adalah beberapa strategi yang dapat membantu dalam mempertahankan hubungan profesional yang baik:   Komunikasi yang Jelas dan Terbuka  Sampaikan Pendapat, Pertanyaan, dan Kekhawatiran: Sampaikan pendapat, pertanyaan, dan kekhawatiran dengan jelas dan hormat kepada rekan kerja dan atasan.  Dengarkan dengan Baik: […]
    Apa Strategi Terbaik untuk Menjaga Hubungan Baik dalam Situasi Professional


BINUS @Bandung