How to conduct Location Research for film production?

The location is one of the most important aspects to consider before beginning film production. Location research is an important part of a film’s pre-production process. Here are some procedures to follow:

Establish the requirements: Before you begin your location research, you should have a clear idea of what you want. This includes the type of location, the mood, the atmosphere, and any other specific requirements specified in your script. Make a list of these requirements, so you have a clear idea of what you’re looking for.

Use online resources: Search for potential locations that meet your criteria using online resources such as Google Maps, Flickr, and Instagram. These platforms can give you an idea of how a location looks and feels, and can help you decide whether it’s worth exploring further.

Use location scouts: Consider hiring a professional location scout to help you with your search. Location scouts are experienced professionals who have an extensive network and can help you find unique locations that you might not have discovered on your own.

Visit potential locations: Once you have a list of potential locations, visit them in person to get a better sense of the space. Take pictures, make notes, and consider any logistical issues that may arise during filming.

Obtain all necessary permits: Before you begin filming, make sure you have all of the necessary permits. Some locations may require special permits or licenses, so do your research and gather the necessary documentation.

Consider the budget: Make sure to consider the budget when selecting locations. Some locations may be more expensive to film in than others, so it’s crucial to balance your creative needs with your budget limitations.

You’ll be well on your way to finding the ideal location for your film production if you follow these steps.


Photo by Danny Feng on Unsplash