Life Coach Practitioner Certification Program
Excerpts from “Life Coach Practitioner Certification Program” by Rudy Loekito (IALC)
oleh Rizka – D6566
Individuals have their own values and beliefs. Value is related to goals, while belief is related to action. Oftentimes, value and belief can contradict each other. Individuals act based on their beliefs, not necessarily based on their values. Therefore, as a coach, if we want to persuade an individual to act in a certain way, we need to alter their beliefs. However, because belief is within a person’s unconscious mind, critical thinking, which borders between conscious and unconscious mind, can somewhat become a barrier that a coach needs to break through. This is because if a coach’s statement is not in accordance with an individual’s critical thinking, then it will be rejected, and the statement or persuasion will notlikely alter the belief. And vice versa. There are several ways for a coach to break through the critical thinking of an individual. Firstly, through repetition. Secondly, through authority figure, such as lecturer, parents, supervisor. Thirdly, by putting the person in the community which have mutual feelings/beliefs (group identification). Lastly, by unveiling the underlying emotion, such as fear.
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