Playing AIDA in Digital Media Like A Lego (3)
Playing AIDA in Digital Media Like A Lego (3)
by D6583-Lorio Purnomo
Converting Awareness into an Interest that leads to a Click Thru
Since not all awareness leads into interest, therefore marketer needs to think through on selecting the right channels to be found by the right customers. Especially when awareness campaign is predominantly a paid campaign, then a thorough planning becomes mandatory to ensure payback for every dollar spent on the campaign.
Making sure your advertising message contextual when it is found by your customer is the critical success factor of your campaign. However, it is easier said then done. Here are 3 key tips to achieve contextuality:
- Select the right channel to be found by your right Spend time in analyzing the audience profile of those channels you plan to display your ads. Displaying your campaign in any channels could mislead you into false achievement, where you might be happy about the high number of impressions you get, but very small Rate of Click Thru.
- When you have already ensured that your campaign will only be displayed on the relevant channels that makes it contextual for customers who find your ads, you also need to thoroughly think of the message of your campaign. REMEMBER: Mobile Screen can only be as big as 9 inches, so pick only the message that is most important and strike the interest of your customers to be displayed. Dare to cut and throw away unnecessary message. Both design and copywriting plays very important role in generating interest. The format of your display should fit into the profile of your
- Interest in mobile media channel is simply reflected by CLICK. Cater your customer’s interest by providing visible and easy to access click Be it a text banner, simple
banner or a rich media banner, do not get carried away with the taste of artwork design, but make sure your display ad appeal to be a clickable link or button.
When your customer clicks the button you provide as a result of their interest in your display ad message, then the next critical part is the landing page where the click is lead into. Since you have already paid for a display ad message campaign, therefore it is a shame when your landing page is not done properly. It just leads your Display Ad awareness campaign into a marketing waste.
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