Alfiandy Varian Bakri, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, 2023.

Alfiandy Varian Bakri, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, 2023.

Shine the spotlight on Alfiandy Varian Bakri, a bright star from the BINUS Business School Undergraduate Program, who recently returned from an enriching study abroad adventure at Universiti Teknologi MARA in Malaysia.

Alfiandy review: “As I reminisce about my six months studying abroad, I’m filled with a sense of gratitude for the incredible journey I’ve had at Universiti Teknologi MARA. It was more than just a study abroad program; it was a life-changing experience that broadened my horizons, challenged me to step out of my comfort zone, and fostered friendships that will last a lifetime.”

Alfiandy’s story is just one of many inspiring tales from our student community. Whether it’s studying abroad, engaging in research, or pursuing extracurricular passions, our students are constantly pushing boundaries and making a difference in the world.

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