Jajat Sudrajat, SE., MM

Jajat Sudrajat, SE., MM

Business Advisor | Faculty Member

Jajat Sudrajat, SE., MM professional career is mainly in higher education institutions as a lecturer since 2010. His first position as the full-time lecturer was at School of Business Management Telkom, until 2012. He then moved to Binus University, as the full-time lecturer in 2013. Currently, He is the Business Advisor of Creativepreneurship Department, BINUS Business School Under Graduate Program at Bina Nusantara University (Bandung Campus). He got his bachelor degree in Accounting from Islamic Nusantara University, Indonesia; his master degree in Entrepreneurship from Widyatama University, Indonesia. His area of expertise is Entrepreneruship. Previously she worked as a Finance, HRD and Logistic Manager at Management Telkom Institute for two years. He is interested in researching Entrepreneurship, small business, and ecosystem business SMEs..

Link Scholar : https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?hl=id&user=NJMqkH8AAAAJ

Link Scopus : https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57188823135