Inez Indriani, SP Jain School of Management Sydney, Australia, 2021.

Inez Indriani, SP Jain School of Management Sydney, Australia, 2021.

The entrepreneurship program at SP Jain School of Management provided Inez with a rich tapestry of theoretical insights and hands-on experiences. She actively engaged in a myriad of workshops, seminars, and real-world projects that challenged her to cogitate critically, collaborate astutely, and actualize innovative ideas into viable business ventures.

Through her odyssey from BINUS University to SP Jain School of Management, she has not only broadened her horizons but also reaffirmed her resolve to effectuate a substantive impact on the world through innovation and entrepreneurship. As she gazes towards the future, Inez is primed to embrace the vicissitudes and opportunities ahead, cognizant that her odyssey has merely commenced.

Her tenure at SP Jain School of Management, Inez Indriani emerged as a luminary and a catalytic force within the entrepreneurship fraternity. Her passion, tenacity, and innovative spirit resonated through all her endeavors, from conceptualizing business blueprints to nurturing nascent entrepreneurs.

Upon her arrival at SP Jain School of Management, Inez was instantaneously captivated by the dynamic ambiance and the eclectic community of students hailing from diverse corners of the globe. Immersed in an environment that extolled innovation and creativity, she found herself propelled to transcend the confines of her own entrepreneurial aspirations.