Hans Christian Irawan – 2602075876 




The number of mobile device users in Indonesia reach 370.1 million in 2022, up 13 million, or 3.6%, over the previous year period. Even at 370.1 million, this amount exceeds Indonesia’s overall population of 277.7 million in January 2022. Because one citizen might use two or more gadgets for personal or job purposes, as well as student educational needs, the number of devices in Indonesia outweighs the population. Similarly, after COVID-19 hit Indonesia, citizens have been unable to work or study from home. We can make an online call. Everything was done to limit the population expansion in COVID-19. As a result, 77% of Indonesia’s population is already online. However, prior to the epidemic, internet usage in Indonesia was just 175 million, whereas it has already reached 200, or 220 million. So the populace has been exposed to digital for the past two years.  

Students, employees, and housewives have the highest Internet penetration, with 99.26% of students, 86.9% of workers, and 84.61% of housewives. Non-working groups account for up to 67.1% of internet penetration, while public servants or retired teachers account for up to 70.35%.  

As the years go by, the digital trend is increasing. Until now, there have been lots of digital marketers or agencies that offer digital marketing services to help companies or individuals who have brands or businesses be able to increase their sales and also get known to many people. For example, e-commerce, Artificial Intelligence Marketing, Voice Search, Video Marketing, Social Networking, Interactive Content, and Viral Marketing. 

In the era of technology that is developing very rapidly, of course, doing promotions digitally is very profitable for companies that work in their fields. This advantage is not far from the savings in promotion costs, because the company does not need to print brochures and all things that are print media. Companies may use advertisements on television, Gmail, Twitter, or other social media. 

Digital marketing also does not cover us to get a broad market without being influenced by geographical location. From here we can target the customers we want to target. 

From these two we also get an increase in sales because we are increasingly known by the public and we can also learn a lot about a business by managing social media without having to buy books, attend seminars, training, and others. 

Data about what customers need is also easy to fulfill. 


References :  

5 Keuntungan Digital Marketing untuk Bisnis Anda. (2022). Retrieved 21 September 2022, from https://www.dreambox.id/blog/digital-marketing/keuntungan-digital-marketing-untuk-bisnis-anda/#:~:text=Masih%20ada%20keuntungan%20digital%20marketing%20lainnya%20yaitu%20kemampuan,saja%20akan%20sangat%20membantu%20Anda%20mendapatkan%20data%20pelanggan. 

Darestuti, M. (2022). Perkembangan Digital Marketing di Indonesia dan Tren Digital Marketing. Retrieved 21 September 2022, from https://buzzup.id/perkembangan-digital-marketing-di-indonesia-dan-tren-digital-marketing/ 

Jumlah Perangkat Seluler di Indonesia Capai 370,1 Juta pada 2022. (2022). Retrieved 21 September 2022, from https://www.suara.com/tekno/2022/02/21/165644/jumlah-perangkat-seluler-di-indonesia-capai-3701-juta-pada-2022 

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