BINUS University recognizes the existence of trade unions for all employees, including women and international staff. The university supports the establishment of trade unions as a platform for employees to voice their interests and needs. Thus, every employee has the right to join a trade union without discrimination.

In addition, many BINUS faculty members are engaged in professional associations, such as:

  • REZA ZAKI, Executive Director of the International Law Faculty Association.

  • Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, Board Member of the Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI) and co-founder of the Indonesian Forensic Science Association (AIFI).

Furthermore, faculty members from BINUS actively participate in discussions at the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) alongside the Indonesian Association of Lecturers (IDRI) to advocate for the welfare of lecturers and contribute to the “Buku Kajian pendidikan tinggi Ikatan Dosen RI (IDRI)”, published by the Indonesian Lecturers Association (IDRI) in 2018, which contains recommendations for enhancing the higher education system in Indonesia.

These examples highlight BINUS’s support for collective representation, ensuring that all employees have a voice in matters that affect their professional lives, thereby fostering an equitable work environment.