BINUS University as a university, faculty staff and students, conducts some events for public who don’t attend the university.

    1. BINUS conducts on-programmed educational outreach activities by inviting BINUS students to participate in a voluntary program to establish tutoring sessions (BIMBEL) for primary and secondary students. For example is a tutoring program for 3rd to 5th-grade elementary students in Kelurahan Sukabumi Utara, West Jakarta. BINUS University students volunteer as tutors, focusing on English skills such as reading, writing, listening, and conversation. The sessions are held twice a week, with five volunteers teaching a group of 20 students, aiming to improve their English proficiency.
    2. In July 2023, BINUS University organized a leadership development training workshop for teachers at Santa Ursula, focusing on enhancing leadership skills such as communication, decision-making, and adaptability. This ad-hoc program aimed to empower educators to become effective leaders who can shape students holistically.