BINUS STAR, iBuddy+ and International Students Unite for a Day of Sports and Friendship

Jakarta, 21 October 2023 – In a celebration of diversity, athleticism, and friendship, BINUS Student Transnational Ambassadors (BINUS STAR), iBuddy+, and International Students converged for an unforgettable Sports Day on Saturday, 21 October 2023, at BINUS @Kemanggisan, Kijang Campus. This dynamic event showcased the vibrant multicultural community at BINUS University and promoted an active and healthy lifestyle among students from around the world.

BINUS STAR, representing students who have recently studied abroad or are on the cusp of embarking on international academic journeys, collaborated with iBuddy+, BINUS students dedicated to assisting and supporting international peers in their transition and adaptation to life at BINUS. International students representing diverse backgrounds and cultures added a global flavor to the day’s festivities. The Sports Day serves as a powerful reminder of the bonds forged through shared experiences and a shared commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle.

The action-packed day commenced with a series of spirited-physical activities under the morning sun, emphasizing the importance of fitness and well-being. Participants engaged in friendly competitions that showcased their athletic prowess and fostered camaraderie and cross-cultural connections. Laughter and cheers echoed across the campus as students from different corners of the globe came together in the spirit of unity. Following the outdoor activities, the event transitioned to an intellectually stimulating brain challenge held in an indoor area. This segment aimed to engage participants in strategic thinking, promoting teamwork and mental agility.

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