BINUS UNIVERSITY Global Class International Business Management (IBM) Virtual Industry Visit to PwC Indonesia

On Thursday, 17 February 2022, first and second-year students of BINUS UNIVERSITY Global Class International Business Management (IBM) program joined a virtual industry visit to PwC Indonesia, one of the largest professional services firms in the world known as the Big Four.

Industry visit is an enrichment program designed to allow students to learn from industry experts and gain practical knowledge about the real-life working environment.

The visit to PwC Indonesia allowed the students to have a general idea of the consulting world. It also involved a discussion about the workforce transformation in PwC Indonesia.

Ibu Rima Nadya from Human Capital Recruitment PwC Indonesia began the session by introducing the company and its core values. She also presented how the company dealt with changes during the pandemic and the initiatives to support employees’ mental health and well-being. Ibu Rima also explained how students could start their careers at PwC Indonesia.

Consulting Director PwC Indonesia, Ibu Lita Dewi, and Senior Associate PwC Indonesia, Ibu Maria Regina, then led a sharing session in which they openly discussed a day in their life as a consultant, including their most memorable moments.

Following the session was a moderated Q&A Session led by Mr. Michael Tuori, the Deputy Head of IBM Program from BINUS Global Class. Ibu Lita and Ibu Maria were keen to discuss how the pandemic accelerated changes in digitalization also how PwC Indonesia implemented the work and life balance for their employees.

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