BINUS University places a strong emphasis on preventing and reducing pollution, especially from land-based activities, as outlined in its comprehensive environmental policy. Key components of this commitment include:

  1. Wastewater Treatment: BINUS University operates a domestic wastewater treatment plant (IPAL – Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah) to effectively treat wastewater generated on campus.
  2. Recycling Wastewater: The treated wastewater is recycled for various purposes, contributing to sustainable water management. This recycled water is utilized for irrigation, specifically watering grass areas, exemplifying a practice of Up-Cycling.
  3. Reserved Water Resources: The recycled water is directed to infiltration wells, creating a reserve of water resources with a capacity of 15 m3/day (average). This demonstrates BINUS University’s commitment to maximizing the utility of treated wastewater for responsible water use.
  4. Environmental Evaluation and Monitoring: BINUS University maintains an Environmental Evaluation Document and holds permission from the environmental agency of the government. Regular monitoring and evaluation reports are conducted every six months to assess and ensure the quality of water.

By implementing these measures, BINUS University not only adheres to stringent water discharge guidelines and standards but also actively contributes to sustainable water management practices. This commitment reflects the university’s dedication to environmental responsibility and the promotion of eco-friendly campus operations.