A Glimpse of Content Marketing (I)

Anindya Widita, B.A., M.A,

In today’s digital era and in the ever-high competition, strategic digital branding and effective marketing would give businesses advantage for their product or service. Since digital branding relates to audience’s experience interacting with a brand in digital platform, it becomes important that a brand can provide the desired experience for its consumers in various stage in the buying process.

Content marketing is also an approach to digital branding. It is about providing useful and engaging content suitable for each of the user’s journey. In other words, it is about providing value beyond what the product or service offers to the consumers (Rowles, 2014). Take an example of a sportswear brand. Since they would promote healthy lifestyle, their content marketing focus can include tips of training and fitness, or healthy diet, which will be posted in different platforms and different forms. Depending on the user journey, the content may range from a simple article or blog post, to monthly video content or challenge through chosen hashtag.

Content marketing can support a business’ value proposition through digital content or service and be creative in delivering the value through interaction (Rowles, 2014). With various platforms and opportunities for content production, having creative and valuable content as a part of your digital branding can strengthen brand’s value proposition and brand positioning.

Still using the example above, if you sell sportswear, your focus of content marketing can be periodic tips of training & fitness. It can be in a form of monthly video content on YouTube for example. You can also create engaging and interactive content through hashtag like #30dayschallenge or something like that in order to get that participation going from your audience.

What also needs to be considered is that businesses should also plan out the content for different consumers’ stage. You will make different content for those who are still in the stage of searching for solution, or unaware of your brand but they can be your customer, than for those who already have used your brand before or your loyal customers. However, the various content must provide value and be consistent with your identity. Otherwise, it may not reach the objective you are going for.


Rowles, D. (2014). Digital Branding; a Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Strategy, Tactics, Tools and Measurement. 02. Kogan Page.London.

Anindya Widita, B.A., M.A,