Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Informatika (Computer Science) Universitas Nusantara di Malang merupakan salah satu Program Studi yang ada di Fakultas School of Computer Science – Universitas Bina Nusantara. Program Studi ini hadir di wilayah Malang Jawa Timur untuk dapat berkontribusi aktif dalam pengembangan potensi di wilayah timur Indonesia melalui penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang unggul serta pengembangan karya inovasi yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat di bidang Teknik Informatika melaui dukungan sarana dan prasarana berbasis teknologi terkini. Program Studi Computer Science hadir di wilayah Malang bertujuan untuk berkontribusi dalam menghasilkan lulusan di jenjang sarjana agar bisa menjadi profesional di bidang Teknik Informatika maupun sebagai digital technopreneur. Untuk mendukung tujuan tersebut telah dikembangkan kurikulum berstandard internasional berupa pengembangan pengetahuan dan keterampilan baik pada aspek soft skill maupun hard skill di bidang Informatika berdasarkan nilai-nilai unggul Bina Nusantara sehingga dapat para lulusan memiliki karakter yang baik dan mampu bersaing di ranah global di bidang Informatika.

    Dengan dukungan berbagai kampus yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, para mahasiswa berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan pengalaman belajar yang lebih beragam serta berkesempatan untuk dapat lebih mengembangan jaringan dan kompetensi mereka. Melalui Enrichment Program para mahasiswa juga berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan pengalaman belajar di berbagai mitra baik industri maupun perguruan tinggi di dalam dan luar negeri. Pengalaman belajar di berbagai mitra yang sudah dimulai lebih dari lima tahun tersebut tidak lepas dari dukungan alumni yang semakin tersebar di dalam maupun luar negeri dan telah menduduki berbagai posisi strategis di berbagai industri global. Peran aktif kemitraan dan alumni juga telah membantu serapan para lulusan untuk berkarir sebagai professional di bidang Computer Science atau menjadi technopreneur.


In the new millennium and the global era, the role of information and automation in the various domains and activities of the business industry are becoming more important. The successes of the activities are determined by how computer science can support in managing the information. Information must be up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive to allow decision makers to determine the enterprise’s strategy. Furthermore, automation can facilitate human activity, accelerate the pace of work and make it more effective and efficient, while also increasing productivity in various activities. The development of communication and computer technology has made it possible to get information that is rapid, exact, and accurate. It also increases the application of automation in various fields such as industry, business, office affairs and development of science and technology.

Computer Science Undergraduate Study Program Bina Nusantara University Malang is one of the Study Programs of School of Computer Science Bina Nusantara University Jakarta. This study program focuses on learning process in the field of computer science with a Sarjana Komputer (S.Kom.) Academic Degree. The learning process is managed within 4 years by the 2 + 1 + 1 Program. The learning process in the first to third semesters is carried out in Malang Campus, East Java. The students then have the opportunity to study at Bina Nusantara Jakarta campus for a year, in the fourth and fifth semesters as part of the Mobility Program. Students also have the opportunity to enrich their learning with various partners of Bina Nusantara University for one year in the sixth and seventh semesters through Enrichment Program. The Enrichment Program offers seven optional tracks: Certified Internship, Certified Entrepreneurship, Certified Research, Certified Community Development, Certified Study Abroad, Certified Specific Independent Study, and Further Study. On the last semester every student takes a thesis as final course and will be guided by Faculty Member at Bina Nusantara University Malang.

Computer Science Study Program at Bina Nusantara University @Malang campus emphasizes the processes, techniques, and tools that go into developing computer-based systems.


Catalog 2020 (PDF)Catalog 2021 (PDF)



A world class study program by providing excellent educational experiences in computer science, fostering and empowering the society in building and serving the nation through digital technology and technopreneur.


The mission of Computer Science Department is to contribute to the global community through the provision of world-class education by:

  1. Educating students to effectively apply their educational experiences in computer science to solve real-world problems through digital technology and technopreneur approach.
  2. Preparing our graduates to develop examplary soft skills & technical skills required as ICT professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs in global market.
  3. Promoting high impact research that contributes to the nation in digital technology themes.
  4. Fostering BINUSIAN as lifelong learners through self-enrichment.
  5. Empowering BINUSIAN to continuously improve and society’s quality of life through digital technology and technopreneur approach.

Program Objective

The objectives of the program are:

  1. Graduates will become successful professionals in ICT fields;
  2. Graduates will obtain employment in global companies or become entrepreneurs;
  3. Graduates will obtain professional certification or continue their study to the postgraduate level

Student Outcomes

After completing the study, graduates are:

  1. Able to analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions
  2. Able to design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of computer science
  3. Able to communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts
  4. Able to recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles
  5. Able to function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to computer science
  6. Able to apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions

Prospective Career of the Graduates

After finishing the program, the graduate of Computer Science Program could follow a career as:

  1. Full Stack Developer
  2. Interactive Software Designer
  3. Data Engineer & Analyst
  4. Software Application Developer
  5. Software Engineer/Developer
  6. System Analyst/Developer
  7. Web Engineer/Developer
  8. IT Support/Consultant
  9. Database/Network Designer/Programmer
  10. Multimedia Designer
  11. Game Designer/Developer
  12. Academician

Greetings From Head of Study Program

Choirul Huda S.Kom., M.M. – Ketua Program Studi

Program Studi Teknik Informatika yang diselenggarkan di Kampus BINUS @Malang merupakan Program Studi di bawah School of Computer Science yang memiliki visi untuk menjadi “Program Studi berkelas dunia yang menyediakan pengalaman belajar yang unggul dalam bidang teknik informatika, yang membina dan memberdayakan masyarakat dalam membangun dan melayani bangsa melalui teknologi digital dan technopreneur.”

Program Studi ini menyiapkan para lulusan untuk bisa menjadi professional di bidang Computer Science ataupun menjadi technopreneur melalui pembelajaran berbasis multi campus dan multi channel learning dengan dukungan sarana dan prasarana yang unggul.

Melalui keahlian dalam pengembangan software aplikasi berbasis teknologi AI, AR&VR, Web&Mobile, telah dihasilkan berbagai karya inovasi oleh para mahasiswa (Binusian) yang berguna bagi masyarakat, yang di antaranya telah mencapai penghargaan tinggi di berbagai kejuaraan tingkat nasional maupun internasional.

Pengalaman dan capaian para mahasiswa selama menjalani Enrichment Program di berbagai industri global juga telah memberikan kepercayaan kepada para pengguna lulusan, sehingga banyak di antara mahasiswa yang berlanjut untuk berkarir di tempat internship masing-masing bahkan sebelum lulus.

Sukses selalu kepada para Binusian di Program Studi Computer Science – BINUS @Malang untuk terus berprestasi dalam mengahasilkan karya-karya yang bermanfaat.