Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hamsal, MSE, MQM, MBA, CISCP. | Guru Besar
Guru Besar

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hamsal, MSE, MQM, MBA, CISCP.


Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hamsal, MSE, MQM, MBA, CISCP.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Hamsal, MSE, MQM, MBA, kelahiran Palembang tanggal 4 Agustus 1961, merupakan Guru Besar Tetap ke Delapan belas yang dikukuhkan BINUS UNIVERSITY. Beliau adalah profesor di Doctor of Research in Management Program, BINUS UNIVERSITY. Penelitiannya difokuskan pada strategic agility, competitive advantage, corporate and business strategy, digital ecosystem, operations management, dan logistics and supply chain management. Saat ini Prof. Hamsal tercatat sebagai Faculty Member pada BBS Doctoral of Research in Management BINUS UNIVERSITY.
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hamsal, MSE, MQM, MBA, CISCP.

Orasi Ilmiah

PARADOXICAL STRATEGIES: Using Both/And Thinking to Lead Business Transformation


Profile & Qualification



2003 – 2006 Dr. in Strategic Management
Faculty of Economics and Business, the University of Indonesia, Jakarta.

1997 – 1998 Master of Engineering in Systems Engineering
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
1997 – 1999 Master of Engineering in Quality Management
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
1998 – 1999 Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
1980 – 1985 Ir. (BE), Industrial Engineering

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung



2015 – present
Binus Business School, Jakarta
Doctor of Research in Management Program and Master of Management Program, Jakarta
Head of Concentration – Corporate Strategy and Agility
Lecture on “Corporate Strategy and Sustainability”, “Agile and Disruptive Business Strategy”, “Corporate & Business Strategy” & “Operations Management”


Senior Advisor
2010 – 2015
PT VaRiskindo, is engaged in financial risk consulting


Managing Director
2008 – 2009
PT StrAct Solution, is engaged in corporate learning and change management



Certified International Supply Chain Professional (CISCP)
International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute, Delaware, USA

  • “Rector’s Award for the Best Teaching Performance”, BINUS UNIVERSITY, 2022
  • “Rector’s Award for the Best Teaching Performance”, BINUS UNIVERSITY, 2021
  • “Rector’s Award for the Best Teaching Performance”, BINUS UNIVERSITY, 2020
  • “Rector’s Award for the Best Teaching Performance”, BINUS UNIVERSITY, 2019
  • “Rector’s Award for the Best Teaching Performance”, BINUS UNIVERSITY, 2017
  • “Rector’s Award for the Best Teaching Performance”, BINUS UNIVERSITY, 2016
  • “Rector’s Award for the Best Teaching Performance”, BINUS UNIVERSITY, 2015
  • “The Best Doctoral Dissertation”, Faculty of Economics and Business, the University of Indonesia, 2007
  • “Special Recognition Award, PT Bank Niaga Tbk, 2002
  • “Outstanding Performance Award, PT Bank Niaga Tbk, 2002
  • “Special Recognition Award, PT Bank Niaga Tbk, 2001
  • “Telstra Systems Engineering Prize”, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 1998


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