
Widia Scholarship

“The Widia Scholarship for Outstanding Achievers” is one of BINUS UNIVERSITY’s flagship scholarship programs that allows you to pursue undergraduate studies at BINUS UNIVERSITY without any tuition fees until the completion of your studies.



Widia Scholarship

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“The Widia Scholarship for Outstanding Achievers” is one of BINUS UNIVERSITY’s flagship scholarship programs that allows you to pursue undergraduate studies at BINUS UNIVERSITY without any tuition fees until the completion of your studies.


International Competition
Winner/Finalist of International Olympiads/Championships
National Competition
Winner/Finalist of National Championships
Representative of Indonesia
Representing Indonesia at the International level

Admission Guidance

  1. Complete the online registration at BINUS UNIVERSITY through the official registration website: and upload the following scholarship documents needed.
  2. Pass the BINUS UNIVERSITY Entrance Test (TPKS).
Dokumen Tambahan
  • Scan of Competition Award Certificates from the past 3 years
  • Scan of High School Report or equivalent, legalized by the school principal
  • Scan of a Certificate from an Eye Specialist stating that you are Not Colorblind. It is necessary for scholarship applicants who have registered in the major of : Architecture, Interior Design, Food Technology, Communication Visual Design New Media, Communication Visual Design Animation, Communication Visual Design Creative Advertising, and Biotechnology.
  • Original copy of a Health Certificate from a Hospital or Clinic. It is necessary for scholarship applicants who have registered in the major of : Hotel Management and Business Hotel Management.

The scholarship announcement will be confirmed by the Admissions Office of BINUS UNIVERSITY. If the scholarship application is refused, the applicant will be automatically redirected to the regular admissions process. The scholarship is not applicable to Master Track Programs or Global Class programs.


  • Benefit include exemptions from Development Fee (DP3)
  • Equipment Fee
  • Semester Fee (BP3) and Variable Tuition Fee (SCU) for the first and second semester
  • Lab Fee* for the first and second semester
  • Uniform Fee* for Hotel Management, Business Hotel Management, Tourism, and Primary Teacher Education programs. *Does not apply to international programs
  • The scholarships for semester 3 to semester 8 shall be granted based on the review of achievement (minimum GPA (semester): 3.50) by Student Creativity Development Centre (SCDC).
  • Taking soft skills training (Leadership Basic Training, Student Management Skills Training, etc.) organized by BINUS UNIVERSITY.
  • Required to serve as a mentor/tutor of BINUS Learning Community during the scholarship granting.
  • Required to serve as a Freshment Leader/Lab Assistant/Promotion Team member.
  • Required to be bound in a contract for minimum 1 year in BINUS SQUARE (2 months free for any payment 1 year in advance).
  • Required involvement in the scholarship community.
  • The Scholarships for semester 3 to semester 8 shall be granted based on the review of achievement (minimum GPA (semester): 3.00) by Student Creativity Development Centre (SCDC).
  • Taking soft skills training (Leadership Basic Training, Student Management Skills Training, etc.) organized by BINUS UNIVERSITY.
  • Required to represent BINUS UNIVERSITY in sport and art competition (at least at national level)
  • Required to participate actively in a student club in the appropriate field.
  • Required to serve as a Freshment Leader/Lab Assistant/Promotion Team member
  • Required involvement in the scholarship community.


See the registration schedule on the BINUS UNIVERSITY admissions website

Past Awardee

  • Tania Szeinfevt
    BINUSIAN 2020
  • Farah Antonia Zakkhh
    BINUSIAN 2020
  • Rozzy Fanuszghbath Aana
    BINUSIAN 2020
  • Jaror EZ
    BINUSIAN 2020
  • Tania Szeinfevt
    BINUSIAN 2020
  • Farah Antonia Zakkhh
    BINUSIAN 2020
  • Rozzy Fanuszghbath Aana
    BINUSIAN 2020
  • Jaror EZ
    BINUSIAN 2020
Get in touch
If you have any further questions about this scholarship, please contact us.