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Volume 4 No 1, May 2010

Yakub; Shirly Hermanto [FULL TEXT]
Perancangan Program Aplikasi Pembelian pada PT Indo Taichen Textile Industry
(The Design of Purchasing Application Program at PT Indo Taichen Textile Industry)

Nur Azizah; Ferry Sudarto
Sistem Informasi Akuntansi dalam Penyajian Audit Financial Report dengan Menggunakan Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs)
(The Accounting Information System in the Presentation of Financial Resport Audit by Using Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs))

Abdusy Syarif; Ahmad Fachril
Penerapan Fitur Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) pada Jaringan GSM
(The Implementation of Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) Feature on GSM Network)

Hoga Saragih; Harta Pangestu
Perencanaan Strategis Teknologi Informasi pada PT ABC
(The Strategic Planning of Information Technology at PT ABC)

Budi Triandi
Impelementasi Sistem Pemantauan Objek Bergerak dengan Memanfaatkan Frekuensi Radio Menggunakan GPS (Global Positioning System)
(The Implementation of Moving Object Monitoring System Utilizing Radio Frequency by Using GPS (Global Positioning System))

Surya Hadinata
Perbandingan Metode Analisis Ciri Air untuk Pendeteksian Objek Permukaan Air Berdasarkan Pantulan Cahaya
(The Comparison of Water Features Analysis Method for the Detection of Water Surface Objects Based on Light Reflection)

Siti Rohajawati; Rina Supriyati
Sistem Pakar: Diagnosis Penyakit Unggas dengan Metode Certainty Factor
(Expertise System: The Diagnosis of Poultry Disease by Certainty Factor Method)

Hari Setiabudi Husni
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Berbasis Sumber Terbuka untuk Membantu Pelaksanaan Audit Sistem Informasi
(The Software Engineering Based on Opened Source to Assist the Implementation of Information System Audit)

Andri Anto Tri S.
Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Kredit pada Prisma Motor Lubuklinggau
(The Information System of Credit Payment at Prisma Motor Lubuklinggau)

Suparto Darudiato; Sigit Wisnu Santoso; Setiady Wiguna
Business Intelligence: Konsep dan Metode
(Business Intelligence: The Concept and Method)

Volume 4 No 2, October 2010

Maryani; Suparto Darudiato
Perancangan Rencana Strategis Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi (SI/TI): Studi Kasus STMIK XYZ
(IT/IS Strategic Planning Design: Case Study: STMIK XYZ)

Herman; Yakub
Kajian tentang Perkembangan E-Business terhadap Praktik Bisnis
(Review on Influence of E-Business Growth towards Business Practices)

Gema; Celline Liawan; Gerardus Polla
Perancangan Prototype Aplikasi Knowledge Management pada Divisi Management Automation Information untuk Mendukung Oracle Financial pada Orang Tua Group
(Prototype Design of Knowledge Management Application on Automation Information Management Division to Support Oracle Financial at Orang Tua Group)

Nelly; Stevanus; Rosna; Ivan Haryono
Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Persediaan pada CV. Sarana Telemaxindo
(Evaluation of Supply Information System at CV Sarana Telemaxindo)

Nabil; Muwasiq Mochamad Noor
Perancangan Integrasi Sistem Supply Chain Management Produksi di PT Pustaka Imam Syafii
(Integration Design of Production Supply Chain Management System at PT Pustaka Imam Syafii)

Thomas Ivantoro Prasetyo; Gintoro
Pengembangan Model Pelatihan Online Berbasis Web untuk Keunggulan Bersaing pada PT Intellisys Tripratama
(Development of Web-based Online Training Model for Competitive Advantage at PT Intellisys Tripratama)

Lianna Sugandi
Knowledge Management untuk Customer Service
(Knowledge Management for Customer Service)

Andreas Winata; Lydia Theodore; Hoga Saragih
IT Long Tail Strategy for Software Package Company

Fajar Masya; Elvina
Pengembangan Aplikasi Permainan Scrabble Dua Bahasa Menggunakan Java
(Development of Bilingual Scrabble Game Application using JAVA)

Sugiarto Montana; Muwasiq Mochamad Noor
Pengembangan Customer Relationship Management Berbasis Sistem E-Commerce
(Development of E-Commerce based Customer Relationship Management System)